Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shnitzeling?

From the German word meaning "nizzle"

Rainer is my schnitzel!

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shnitzeling - meme gif

shnitzeling meme gif

shnitzeling - video


Shnitzeling - what is it?

When one man defacates into anothers man outstretched foreskin

"bend over and give me a shnitzel"

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What does "shnitzeling" mean?

a german penis

bro hitler has a small shnitzel

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Shnitzeling - what does it mean?

1. when spelled like SCHNITZEL, it is a german sausage.
2. when spelled SHNITZEL, it is a Czech republican dish
3. The internet avatar name of teh 1337est mofo around. awww j'yeh..

dude did she just eat your schnitzel?
dude, did you just eat her shnitzel?
dude, did you just get owned by shnitzel?

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Shnitzeling - meaning

yer preferred food

why'd you eat my shnitzel a-hole

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Shnitzeling - definition

a person or group of people ....or another way to say WHAT THE HELL!!!
or when you're riding a bike and someones on your pegs it helps relieve stress

wat r those shnitzels up to?
oohooh shnitzel!

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Shnitzeling - slang

The Amish word for shit. See also shnitzelmacher

Oh shnitzel! I forgot to shave my muttonchops.

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If you know what Fuckening is, shnitzeling is worse. It is basically news that ruin your day more than it's already ruined by the fuckening

I could feel Shnitzeling news approaching me.
This Shnitzel could last me a whole year

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Another word for "SHIT."
But Stolen From Restaurant Wienerschnitzel.


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Temporarily used to cover the "s" word.

Teacher: "Class we have a Pop Quiz today".
Student: " Holy Sh.. Shnitzels"

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