Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shit sliding?

When you're doing something normal and all of a sudden you have to shit really bad. It has the sensation of shit sliding through the rectum.

I was dating Cindy and I had to run to the bathroom because of a Shit Slide.

I failed my driver's test because I had to run out of the car due to a Shit Slide.

👍25 👎11

shit sliding - video


Shit sliding - what is it?

The act of getting a Slip-N-Slide and covering it in human feces as opposed to water, then sliding down it fully in the nude.

We wen't to John's house to play truth or dare, and Chris ended up having to do a Shit-N-Slide

👍25 👎11

What does "shit sliding" mean?

When a guy shits on a girls back, and uses said shit as lube. The guy then gets a running start, dives onto the girls back and slides up the back, like a slip and slide.

Hey yo girl, lay down so I can pull off a shit and slide right quick.

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Shit sliding - what does it mean?

using ones backyard slip in slide, for a shitty slippin ass slammin good time!

when yer all horned up an run outta sexual ideas....the slippery shit slide slammer can be an excellent party saver! ex: bruce and beatrice were so sexually bored bruce went out in the backyard and performed the ol' slippery shit slide slammer......he positioned beatrice doggy style at the end of his slip n slide naked.....using corn oil.. oiled up her shit bruce with boner erect ...ran as fast as he could landing on the slip in slide knees first..zooming down the slip n slide (takes perfect balance) on knees, boner erect just about to make contact he thrust hips forward...(takes great timing and aiming)..Jamming erect boner in her shit pipe......IF DONE CORRECTLY WOMAN SHOULD IMMEDIATLEY HAVE ORGASM....along with sore asshole....

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Shit sliding - meaning

The part between the colon and the ass hole.

I feel a turd coming down the shit slide, wheres the nearest bathroom

👍27 👎13

Shit sliding - definition

A fun way to refer to ones rectum.

My feces need to take a ride on the shit slide.

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Shit sliding - slang

A late 80's and early 90's dance craze "movement". Still strongly practiced by some hardcore Surrey activists. The move was adopted and adapted from US films such as Kid n Play's "House Party" and MC Hammers ridiculous "Zoot suit" "Cant Touch This" manouveres...

The dance resembles someone "sliding" themselves though some "shit" ..
The dance has gained further recognition in 2010 by appearing on ceramic mugs sold in department stores as a "Teach yourself the running man" Xmas present. Bringing injuries to a few old timers who still think that can "Do the shit slide"

Look at that bad boy cutting them shapes. He's doing the "Shit Slide"

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Shit sliding

where u find a tall grassy hill, pull ur pants down and slide down the hill on ur ass taking a shit while sliding leaving a large shit stain on the side of the hill.

dude i was shit sliding so bad yesterday my ass has grass stains on it

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