Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shinding?

Rahul Shinde is short for Black Mamba.

Bro don't tell him size he is Rahul Shinde

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shinding - meme gif

shinding meme gif

shinding - video


Shinding - what is it?

A person who is excessively gay!

I'm in a Akshay Shinde relationship with my brother.

Woww you're such a Akshay Shinde

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What does "shinding" mean?

Vighnesh is more than your average joe. He’s an obese, chappri nibba. He feels proud when someone notices how ugly he is. He blushes when someone smacks his fat ass. You can see him from moon. He’s too big to fit in your average camera picture. He once wore a rain coat and people yelled Taxi! He took his pants to the dry cleaner and the lady said "we don't do curtains." He’s so fat, I took a picture with him last year and it’s still printing. When his family takes a picture with him, He’s the background.

Everyone ran yelling β€œTsunami”! when Vighnesh Shinde entered the pool.

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Shinding - what does it mean?

The Girl with Kindness, Humanity, Sweetheart, Bigg boss 11 winner, most down to earth person ever.. If u once love her then never go back..

Bigg Boss Seasons Ki Best winner

Ofcourse Shilpa Shinde

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Shinding - meaning

She is a very popular tv actress

Well known for her role as angoori bhabhi

Although she is being replaced but her aura was next level (the new bhabhi is saari copy cat)
Then she entered bigg boss n emerged out as the winner defeating the ultimate Vamp of bigg boss Hina Khan
She is the first contestant to trend worldwide with more than 3.5 million

tweets . She has a huge fandom
The way she carried herself is commendable

She always stands by truth n is very straight forward and blunt

She is very very beautiful

Shilpa shinde the ultimate QUEEN

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Shinding - definition

When the light or shine is intense , extreme or strong and is brightly directed towards you or your face

" bruh, my face is shinding over here"

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Shinding - slang

Shinde generally means indomitable and is of North Indian origin. Shinde is the Indian word for sigma-male, a once-in-a-lifetime prodigy with a massive ding-dong. It is universally acceptable to call any handsome and smart man Shinde. Popular with both men and women, the name Shinde is also considered to be a loyal and understanding god-like human. If your name is Shinde in high school, you will find yourself surrounded by weird creeps who simp for k-pop girls, anime waifus, and valorant agents.

Example :

Ved: "Omg that guy there is so hot, he must be a Shinde"
Sigma-Shinde: *winks at her*
Ved: *dies on spot*

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To have a party with a bunch of inbreads

Hey Ma, party is down here, get off the dang roof

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