Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shashed?

a mixture of the words "shit" and "trash"

like "Shitty Trash" which naturally becomes "shash."

It's an orignal composition by me and Lunchbox.

"Those guys are wayyy white shash

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shashed - meme gif

shashed meme gif

shashed - video


Shashed - what is it?

Verb- To tamper, bash, or damage something to the point that it no longer follows a law/laws of physics.
Originates from the word smash

You can make a magnet no longer magnetize by shashing it.

I shashed the TV and now it no longer obeys gravity.

Perhaps if we shash cars, then they will no longer maintain inertia and will cause less deaths in accidents.

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What does "shashed" mean?

Shash is an insult used when calling someone shit and trash at the same time.

"I look like shash today."

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Shashed - what does it mean?

The onomatopoeia for walking in dry fall leaves.

We took a nice walk, shashing through the leaves in the park.

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Shashed - meaning

Twaddle, rot, falsehood, or general nonsense.

Synonym to 'bullocks'.

John said that he knew how to fly a jet fighter, but everyone knew that was complete and utter shash.

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Shashed - definition

To talk Shash is when one starts talking absolute bollocks when trying to make themselves look good, they can also use this as a joke.

Jon- I punted a cow into orbit
Jon2- Fuck off stop talking shash

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Shashed - slang

the combination of kool, neat and swell.

hey i just bought a new porsche. omg youre so shash.

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a sort of discard pile for all your misc. stuff

synonym: junk drawer, throwaway pile

playing Minecraft
"Bro where do I put all this gravel?"
"The first chest on the left, it's my shash"

"We don't have to unpack this box, it's just shash."

"Hmm, what's in this drawer?" *sees literal random garbage* "Oh it's just my shash"

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An invisable item you may or may not of dropped in any particular direction

eg. Shashing? *points in a random direction*

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Shit faced.

"Man i was soo Shashed last night."

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