Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shash?

To talk Shash is when one starts talking absolute bollocks when trying to make themselves look good, they can also use this as a joke.

Jon- I punted a cow into orbit
Jon2- Fuck off stop talking shash

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shash - meme gif

shash meme gif

shash - video


Shash - what is it?

An invisable item you may or may not of dropped in any particular direction

eg. Shashing? *points in a random direction*

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What does "shash" mean?

silly harlot always sitting horizontally

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Shash - what does it mean?

the word shash is used describe the person shitty, annoying, fucked up, a bitch. this word is also used to describe someone who can talk forever. this name is given to someone who could grow up to be a teacher.

lisa: so anyway he was really cute but also kind of wierd and he talked wayyy too much.........
Lola: stop being a SHASH

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Shash - meaning

Hair protruding beyond the collar line of a shirt (front or back)

Hairy men whose hair stick out of their shirt (front or back) and don't tuck it back in. Captain Shash has a lot of shash coming out of his t-shirt.

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Shash - definition

Persian word for urine or urination
1- can be used to imply a sense of urgency.
2- can be used to express a sense of anger

1- Sara: I saw Jonathan running to the meeting like he had to "shash"

2- I "shashed" on him

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Shash - slang

a mixture of the words "shit" and "trash"

like "Shitty Trash" which naturally becomes "shash."

It's an orignal composition by me and Lunchbox.

"Those guys are wayyy white shash

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Twaddle, rot, falsehood, or general nonsense.

Synonym to 'bullocks'.

John said that he knew how to fly a jet fighter, but everyone knew that was complete and utter shash.

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the combination of kool, neat and swell.

hey i just bought a new porsche. omg youre so shash.

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a sort of discard pile for all your misc. stuff

synonym: junk drawer, throwaway pile

playing Minecraft
"Bro where do I put all this gravel?"
"The first chest on the left, it's my shash"

"We don't have to unpack this box, it's just shash."

"Hmm, what's in this drawer?" *sees literal random garbage* "Oh it's just my shash"

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