Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sextiming?

A cross between online sex and FaceTiming. Phone to phone camming popularised by if you need a Sextiming partner.

Before I go out tonight I'm going to nip to the bathroom and book a quick sextiming call to take the edge off!

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sextiming - meme gif

sextiming meme gif

sextiming - video


Sextiming - what is it?

The act of under estimating one's sexually ability.

That girl's fuglyness led me to assume she would be bad in bed. Oh but did I under sextimate her, that was the best night of my life.

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What does "sextiming" mean?

When you are doing sexual things on FaceTime, it is considered SexTiming

Becky and I were SexTiming on the phone and she was going hard on her cooter!

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Sextiming - what does it mean?

How many people you have you had sex with.

I can sextimate the number of people I have had sex with.

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Sextiming - meaning

Having virtual sex with a partner on Facetime!

I just got done SexTiming with my new girlfriend bro

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Sextiming - definition

Using the popular facetime app for masturbating on cam. Can also be used for other mobile live cam apps.

Wow, Faye and I were sextiming till noon today!

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Sextiming - slang

The act of using the iPhone 4's FaceTime video phone call application to make sexual or pornographic phone calls.

Bob: Check out this naked pic Haven sent me!
John: You're still sexting? That is so 2009! Get with program and start using SexTime! Check out this video of Leila from last night!

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