Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Facetime?


Had lots of facetime today, with my boss in London, the kids at home, and mom in Miami.

👍37 👎21

Facetime - meme gif

Facetime meme gif

Facetime - video


Facetime - what is it?

Face on deck.

Lemme get that head.


Stacks: Can I get that FaceTime?
Her: What's FaceTime?
Stacks: *Staleface* Well FaceTime is... just FaceTime. *Smiles*
Her: Okay!

👍75 👎47

What does "Facetime" mean?

the act of 'getting facetime' is getting alone with your girl or man for some 'quality time'- usually just to do things your friends and parents wouldn't want to see.

GUY: Where you going?

GUY 2: Getting facetime with my girl.

👍191 👎127

Facetime - what does it mean?

The act or performance of taking it in the face.

Hey babe, I'll give you a back rub if you FaceTime with me.

Face girl really enjoys some quality FaceTime with Steve.

Wallace really gets his FaceTime jiggy on with that one girl.

👍177 👎91

Facetime - meaning

A.) Using the FaceTime feature on the iphone 4 for sexual, hot, and/or naughty uses.

B.) Phone sex...OF THE FUTURE!!!!!

Me and my bitch was having some FaceTime, when my dog bumped open my door, scaring me. I dropped my iphone 4 on my mouth, chipping a tooth. I started to choke on a piece of the tooth. I started coughing really hard, and then I puked. My ho didn't know what was goin on, so she started freaking out. Needless to say, we don't fucks with FaceTime anymore.

👍291 👎147

Facetime - definition

a talk, a moment, a meeting, a sleepover, a drink, a dinner, a time together no matter how short.

I finally got my facetime with Donnie Wahlberg and it was pure heaven

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Facetime - slang

A) FaceTime is a video calling software developed by Apple for iPhone 4, the fourth generation iPod Touch, and computers running Mac OS X 10.6.4 and higher. (WiFi Only - No 3G)

B) Alternative for the word "fuck", "sex", "BJ" ETC.

A) Oh Hey! Did you try that new FaceTime video calling app from Apple?

B) Hey baby~! You wanna FaceTime in my bedroom~?

A Misunderstanding If Both Combined Hey, I FaceTime with friend Frank last night...
You what?!
Yeah, yeah, I totally FaceTimed with him. He's so awesome and so funny.
Okay, as your friend, if- I- I- accept for who you are. If you like men's PPs, then that's wonderful. I accept you~

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oral sex.

You fucked?" "Nah, we just FaceTimed.

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Using the smart phone video function to communicate while seeing the person who is also using their FaceTime application to both see and talk to you.

I was facetiming with my mom yesterday when I saw my dad walking through the house naked.

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The act of doing a chick and right before you ejaculate, you look at your watch and jizz on her face while yelling, "FACETIME"!

Friend: Why do your girls eyes look like a rabid raccoon?
You: Because I went all facetime on her last night!

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