Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sexi mexi?

u c a hot person.. either a mexican or a rican.. but there not quite hot enough to b rican but not quite ugly enough to b mexican (no offense) so u call them a sexy mexy (there are many out there)

the guy jon that works at taco bell.. sexy mexy to the extreme

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sexi mexi - video


Sexi mexi - what is it?

Pot that looks much better than it tastes or works; regular pot

Billy thinks he has the dank, but it's just the sexy mexy.

👍57 👎57

What does "sexi mexi" mean?

Marijuana that is decent quality, but far from high end "kind bud" nuggets.

"Yo Captain, You got some of the Sticky Icky to blaze? ... No, But I've got some Sexy Mexi that will get us by...."

👍49 👎39

Sexi mexi - what does it mean?

Obviously, plain and simple, a sexy Mexican. Do they actually exist?

Kathleen is half Mexican and half Irish, so thats makes her a Sexi Mexi!

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Sexi mexi - meaning

A sexy Mexican man or woman.

After Mario Cimarro moved to Mexico, he became a sexy mexy.

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Sexi mexi - definition

An extremely attractive or alluring woman of Hispanic descent. Since the adjective "sexy" is usually based on one's opinion, sexy can be seen as being in the eye of the observer.

"Angela is the hottest sexy mexi."

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Sexi mexi - slang

A sexy mexican (girl or boy).

Tyler saw a fly mexican chica and said "Damn! Look at the ass on that sexy mexi!"

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