Definder - what does the word mean?

What is serif?

A name of the most beautiful girl on earth. She is addicted to all of her friends and is also the perfect best friend for you! She might get jealous of you but that's a sign that she loves you! Keep your Serife so you always have the best with you.

bestfriend Serife beautiful amazing perfection

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serif - meme gif

serif meme gif

serif - video


Serif - what is it?

Without a doubt the best font and most widely accepted as the best thing since sliced fonts

n00b 1: Yo, check out that guys font, it's so dope, is it Times New Roman?
n00b 2: No fool, that shit's Old School, this is the modern script...The Microsoft Sans Serif shit man!

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What does "serif" mean?

Something that's plain, boring and old

Have you tried that new burger joint?
So sans serif man

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Serif - what does it mean?

standard font available to all computers. Used when breaking up relationships in IM conversations to finalize the deal.

At first Leonindas thought she was joking, then she switched to MS sans serif and he knew she was gone forever.

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Serif - meaning

A serif is the little flat line at the top or bottom of a printed letter. In a "sans serif" font (which is French for "without serif") this little line is missing. See also "serif".

The fonts used by Urban Dictonary are a mix of serif and sans serif.

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Serif - definition

A fashion conscious woman of Turkish descent. Can be found in shopping malls across the globe, but is most commonly found in Istanbul, Berlin and Amsterdam. Loves Bloody Mary’s, spending money and talking about celebrities.

Look how she drinks that Bloody Mary just like a Serife.

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Serif - slang

Is a Turkish name for a girl. Serife is very beautiful and talented and has many strengths. She is very active and always fun to be around!

β€œSerife, your such a good friend your always so happy and nice!”

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the little flat line at the top or bottom of a printed letter.

The fonts used by UD are a mix of serif and sans serif.

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