Definder - what does the word mean?

What is schwabbed?

When you chew two foods at the same time by taking a bite of an entree with a bite of the side. I.e. a hamburger and French fries, a hot dog and macaroni salad, steak and mashed potatoes, or oatmeal and toast.

"I ate schwab on the fourth of July."
"This is really good schwab."
"My favorite schwab is a grilled cheese and bean with bacon soup."

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schwabbed - meme gif

schwabbed meme gif

schwabbed - video


Schwabbed - what is it?

the most amazing person you'll ever meet. a schwab is typically a hilarious and kind-hearted person.

"Shes a sweetheart, that schwab!"

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What does "schwabbed" mean?

An acronym for a woman who is strongly disliked. Stands for Slut-Cunt-Ho-Whore-Ass-Bitch.

I hate that girl; she's a good-for-nothing SCHWAB!

👍33 👎13

Schwabbed - what does it mean?

Getting completely screwed over to the effect of it changing your entire life.

Pete: "Did you hear that Mark's wife asked him to move out of the house?"

Phil: "Oh man, treated."

Pete: "Yeah Mark said they are getting divorced dude..."

Phil: "Divorced? Holy crap schwabbed."

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Schwabbed - meaning

A loose portmanteau of slob and waste meaning :

(v.) - To ash upon oneself.
(n.) - One who ashes upon their self.

What a schwab, he totally just schwabbed on himself and burned a whole through his shirt.

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Schwabbed - definition

A schwab is a penis that is wider than it is long. aka a tuna can.

I don't know if the sex was good. It was wierd. He had a schwab.

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Schwabbed - slang

A girl version of the douche bag

Dude you're new girlfriend is such a schwab!

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n. one who finds satisfaction in spoiling the fun of others with no clear motive; an extremely uncool preson.

"Your neighbour is such a schwab for calling the cops on your party."

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(n) A schwab is a person generally of the female gender who is a slut or dirty skank.

(v) To schwab something is to make it extremely loose and/or wide. (normally referring to a vagina, but can work for anything)

(adj) Something that is schwab(esk) is "loose" or whorish.

slut whore loose schwab

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a Crazy stalker.

That Schwab won't leave me alone!

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