Definder - what does the word mean?

What is samping?

Samping is the act of having sex whle camping. Samping usually hurts.

Me and my wife needed to spice up our love life so we went samping, so nice bein so close.

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samping - meme gif

samping meme gif

samping - video


Samping - what is it?

A general user insult. see TWW, origin?, wordsampfag/word

STFU, you pansy-ass samp.

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What does "samping" mean?

Samuel is a simp

Samuel: Belle Delphine is queen
His friend: ok samp

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Samping - what does it mean?

Samp is dried corn kernels that have been stamped and chopped until broken but not as fine as Mielie-meal or mielie rice -- 'From wikepedia'

I ate samp with my BBQ sausages

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Samping - meaning

Someone who simps for a person named Sam.

"Man that guy is such an samp."

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Samping - definition

Smiling at my phone - Replaces the often misused "LOL" and "LMAO" when a person finds something funny and is merely smiling at their phone but not actually laughing.

That's really funny I can' t believe you said that SAMP

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Samping - slang

β€œsmiling at my phone” when someone texts you something that makes you physically smile.

im literally samp rn

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a verb which stands for playing San Andreas MuliPlayer.

Zelly: Yo sup dudes, itΒ΄s so fucking boring lets go samp!
Cyles: Hell yeah we gon blast on them noobs!!!

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San Andreas Multiplayer
Igraju je maloumna deca i ljudi koji su zaostali

Brapoopo ajde da igramo samp.
MrΕ‘ u picku materinu.

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an appetizer sampler at applebee's.

That chomstar ate my samp samp doe.

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