Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sKAnG?

Something really gross or disgusting.

Ugh, I didn't have time to shower this morning and now my hair is skange.

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sKAnG - meme gif

sKAnG meme gif

sKAnG - video


SKAnG - what is it?

A wild party creature that has an infamous hair flip and only comes out in the darkest hours of the nite

sorostitute skang

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What does "sKAnG" mean?

Skang is a word that is often used by a group of 13-year-old epic Asian gamers while playing a Smash ripoff game called Brawlhalla. Skang is a word that was formed when mixing the words 'skeet' and 'gang' together.


Shadow10183 has disconnected.

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SKAnG - what does it mean?

A girl gang or group of skanks

Those girls walking on the side of the road were total skangs!

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SKAnG - meaning

A slang term for methoxetamine.

Methoxetamine is a near chemical analog of ketamine and PCP. Its use was first publicly reported in 2010. Methoxetamine's effects are described by some as similar to ketamine or high-dose DXM, while others report not finding it similar to those substances. A number of accounts describe compulsive redosing and unintentional consumption of more than was initially planned.

Yo dog do you want some skang

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SKAnG - definition

A word with which to describe something as being a piece of shit or can be used in the more original fashion "skang-a-lang" which means exactly the same thing but with a bit more passion.

It has a foreign background and founded by Ed after looking in a foreign dictionary and finding the word gooedstaff (goo-d-staf) which actually has no meaning at all

kevin poo: "omg did you see that episode of rate my poo last night?"
Kevin poos dad: "ye it was bare skang-a-lang"

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SKAnG - slang

The residue left of a mans semen inside or on a woman’s body.

Clayton: I left some skang on robins back last night, she texted me today and said it wouldn’t come off.

Austin: That’s disgusting

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All these are false.

Skang for over 10 years always stood Skeet Gang. When you are with 1 or more individual being male you are part of a Skang. You are dangerous to hoes and bitches cause they will be rained upon with Skeet. You can actually skang solo as long as you verbally announce you are ''SKANG''. Skeet Gang was later adopted by numerous people as their own outfit's alias so it was later shorted by the original creator to Skang.

''These hoes think they're so experienced being promiscuous their whole life. They can't fuck with the skang regardless bro.. ''

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A combination word made from 'skank' and 'mange'.

"Holy shit, that girl is a skange! Walk by her and a whiff, you'll know what I'm talking about."

"Dude, I was gonna have sex with this girl last night, but when I took of her panties, I saw that her pussy was really loose & she reeked of fish, go I got out of there. She's a total skange."

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The result of when someone communicates through written or verbal means that they did the work on something without actually doing the work.

You just read that something you're supposed to test is built and ready for testing. You look and find nothing has been done. You just got skanged!

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