Definder - what does the word mean?

What is rossing it?

Ross is usually a male. He's one of those short on the outside but big on the inside type person. He's very funny and really fun to be around. A very sportive man who usually sticks to basketball, but will play volleyball, soccer, and football. A strong guy who isn't scared to speak. He treats people right. Is loved by many and an amazing friend. Hes one of a kind!

Is that Ross? He's great!

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rossing it - video


Rossing it - what is it?

Ross is amazing!! He always will put you first and will stop what he is doing just to make you laugh, he is gorgeous and you will not be able to stop thinking about him. Once you have a Ross in your life you will never want him out... If You like a Ross it’s not uncommon but if a Ross likes you that is a whole other story but let me explain he will first ask for your number and give it to him it will change your life. Once you give him your number he will text you but he will never text you as much as he will Snapchat you and he will always say the nicest things to you. So if you have a Ross in your life you are one lucky person... I Love Ross<3

I can’t believe you have a Ross in you life sooo jealous

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What does "rossing it" mean?

A bit of a loner but fights to the death for those that she loves. Moody and odd but always makes you laugh. She is always seems happy but has a more complicated personality than she lets off. Loves to make people break out of there shy cell and loves to party.

She acts dumb but is actually intelligent!
Rossely does not follow the crowd and is proud to be different.

"Oooooh Rossely you can bite me."

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Rossing it - what does it mean?

The act of stealing a scrap of food hanging from someone's mouth before they have had a chance to swallow it up, and eating it for one's self. In more extreme cases, the rosser will use his elongated tongue to swill out the victim's mouth to collect any last residual drops of stolen food.

Occasionally, victims have reported hearing a clicking noise just before they have been attacked, and think this may be the rosser preparing himself for the raid.

'I was walking along, minding my own business, eating my crayfish and avocado bagel, when suddenly, someone was rossing me from behind'.

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Rossing it - meaning

Ross is the type of guy who will fall in love with his best friends sister. He’s not really a simp type of guy though. Ross will always have a close friend who is a simp but Ross doesn’t judge so it’s all okay! He doesn’t really get in much trouble and makes bank. Ross also has a hella thicc booty that will be much appreciated in the near future. Find yourself a hella thicc Ross.

Ross is thicc.

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Rossing it - definition

The most beautiful girl EVER! Shy and normally has amazing friends and tells them EVERYTHING! Never will leave behind her closest bestie. Is always the first to step down if it benefits her friends. She normally has a lot of friends, but only a few close ones.

Rosse is my BFFL!!

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Rossing it - slang

A Ross is definitely a great man. Known to many by "Sex God". Ladies offer their bodies to his almighty power. If you are a female and you haven't fucked Ross, you better out on your grizz boots because its goin down.

Ross was the most amazing sex giver EVER.

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Rossing it

Ross is a legend and #1 With ass movement and pro πŸ₯ΊπŸ€ͺ

Oo Ross #1 legend sexy

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Rossing it

Someone named Ross is usually of the male gender. A Ross is smart and literally perfection. His brown hair and green eyes will hypnotize you. He always makes you feel so special, like nothing else matters and you don't have to worry about anything. He may be soft spoken but he has a lot to say. He is handsome and all the girls want him. He is athletic and strong, but still kind and gentle. A Ross' hugs are the best and he is very protective. He generally dates girl that are shy, but sweet. He's adorable, and extremely cute. He may seem quiet at first, but is very loud in reality. When you start to get to know him, it's hard not to fall for him, especially if he falls for you. He's willing to do almost anything for you. He'd wait a whole year for you if he had to. He's very complimentary, but also insecure, so give him compliments too. He'll stay up until he falls asleep talking to you, and stay on the phone with you for hours discussing how much he loves you and what you'd name your children, and how perfect they'd be. He sticks to playing sports like basketball and soccer, but might play football as well. A Ross is special; if you have one, hold him close and never let go.

Girl 1: "Wow, he's amazing! I wonder who he is!"

Girl 2: "That's Ross."

Girl 1: "Figures."

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Rossing it

The act of Mowing your own, or someone else's lawn for pleasure.

Oh man, i totally went out Rossing with my friend jose and the sun burned my skin.

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