Definder - what does the word mean?

What is roflwaffles?

(Rawful-waffle) Verb. - To truly or hypothetically laugh until waffles spew out of your nose.

Interjection. - used in chat for a type of laughter beyond epic proportions.

Axelxx247: why do seagulls hang out by the sea?
Generalpret: why?
Cute_pingu: y?
Axelxx247: cause if they hung out by the bay they'd be bagels! lol
Cute_pingu: lmao
Generalpret: ROFLWAFFL!!!

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roflwaffles - video


Roflwaffles - what is it?

A dish best served cold to enemies and foes.

That kid is sooo going to get ROFLWAFFLE With PWNSAUCE after I'm finished with him, wheter he likes it or not.

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What does "roflwaffles" mean?

When someone unjustly uses the word "roflwaffle."

Cory: Nah, I can't play WoW today, my dad died.
Cory: Dude, that's an unlawful roflwaffle...

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Roflwaffles - what does it mean?

To laugh while eating waffles

I had a total ROFLwaffle earlier

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Roflwaffles - meaning

DZ is the love machine GO.

Dr. Deezee was like "roflwaffle" and SD was like "LOLOL"

SD: Man today sucked, my mother was ran over by a truck


SD: :> WOW, thanks man, I feel so much better!! I won't slit my wrists now.

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Roflwaffles - definition

Rolling on Floor Laughing.. Waffle rhymes with ROFL-- which is pronounced like waffle, but with an R..

So Lord_Kaito called PeanutBetter- PenisButter, and The_Fallen on Solixa chat services said roflwaffle! roflwaffle! and laughed his ass off.

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Roflwaffles - slang

a waffle made of rofl.

mmm tasty roflwaffles with maple syrup!

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A Roflmation combining the term "Rofl" with the delightful food product "waffles".

You can't eat a roflwaffle.

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One for the worst things to happen to the internet, made popular made by the popular Wcrado hosts Dustan, Mickey C, and errr The Eric. This now means the complete opposite of β€œROFL” witch does convert directly The Worst Happy Hour Tavern show ever (6/22/06).
Julie Miller! Julie Miller!

much <3 HHT

This is an Example of some one ruining a farley good show, and turning it in β€œudder crap”

roflwaffles, Stab Stab Happy Hour Taver, roflwaffles Julie Miller! -The Eric Paraphrased)

much <3 HHT

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Something you eat while on a lolrcopter

I was pwning n00bs while eating roflwaffles on my lolrcopter

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