Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ripper magoo?

1. a common phrase for a blue shell in Mario Kart

2. a lover of Jesus

1. "Whoever is in first place is about to get Ripper Magoo'd!"
2. "Man, that Paul was a real Ripper Magoo!"

👍49 👎115

ripper magoo - video


Ripper magoo - what is it?

When a guy named wade absolutely smashes his tee off shot and nuts in his pants on hole 1. Wade must of did a ripper magoo in stall 4 and banged 25 hookers prior to his tee off.

Wow that guy just donged that homerun! He must of just did a ripper magoo in the dugout with coach hollensbe before taking his at bat!

👍85 👎197

What does "ripper magoo" mean?

The moment you realize you want to rage

I'm pounding this beer right now, Ripper Magoo!

👍103 👎231

Ripper magoo - what does it mean?

When a kid named Jonny Daz hits a dinger off the tee after doing cocaine in the bathroom with Dustin Johnson

What a shot by jonny, pete I think he did a couple of ripper magoos in the bathroom prior to that shot.

👍163 👎125

Ripper magoo - meaning

Any consumable substance that has a stimulating effect. Eg. Jager Bombs, amphetamines, caffine, nicotine, crystal meth, coccain, etc.

Hey Kevin, what are you up to today? Wanna go out and do some Ripper-Magoos (Jager Bombs) tonight? No thank's I had plenty of Ripper-Magoos last night, perhaps just a couple of Rippers (shots of Jag without the Red Bull).

👍35 👎13

Ripper magoo - definition

The orginal definition is false take it down so Bob can clarify the true meaning. Dont fuck with his brand

Bob menerys true definition of ripper magoo is not stated on this site

👍199 👎99

Ripper magoo - slang

What Bob Menery says when he thinks someone did some cocaine.

Tiger Woods must have been with Dustin Johnson in stall four doing some RIPPER MAGOOS before this putt.

👍1409 👎279