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What is pulling a nick?

When you walk around eather naked or in your underwear without caring what everyone else has to think.

"I got out of the shower last night and john was deffinatly "pulling a nick vining"

<3 (:

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pulling a nick - video


Pulling a nick - what is it?

When a person wears a plain colored shirt with no writing, pictures, or brand names/logos.

Man: Please don't pull a nick Walsh at my party? Don't you have any Abercrombie or something?

Other man: Nope, all my shirts are from walmart

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What does "pulling a nick" mean?

to pander to the lustful gay members on your fanbase by flaunting your chiseled physique and just never following up with them after (a form of blue balling if you will)

Named after Nick Jonas' promotional appearances in support of his 2014 self titled album; shirtless/nearly nude stops included Flaunt Magazine, Details Magazine, his role as a closeted man in the TV series Kingdom, his later role as a closeted man in Scream Queens ... even stripping at a NYC gay bar.

Hey, did you see that new nude Liam Payne photoshoot? So sad to see he's pulling a Nick Jonas to promote his music.

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Pulling a nick - what does it mean?

In beer pong, to knock over one or more cups with a hand while trying to stop a bounce.

Dude, I'm never going to be Jessi's partner again... we were up by three cups and then she decides to pull a Nick. There was beer everywhere...

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Pulling a nick - meaning

Going to japan to do usually related to video games or looking for people/items available in japan.

Me: He’s gonna do it isn’t he
Nick on YT: Desperate for answers, i booked a ticked to japan.
Me: HE PULLED A NICK ROBINSON! Wait I should put this on urban dictionary.
*types Pulling a Nick Robinson*

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Pulling a nick - definition

To completely knock over (by spastic hand motions) 1 or more cups in a game of beer pong. Usually when trying to stop a bounce.

Dude! Way to pull a Nick, now there's beer all over the carpet...

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Pulling a nick - slang

When one forgets to wear a belt and proceeds to have their pants fall down to far to be socially acceptable. Usually followed by others yelling at the individual to pull their pants up.

While he was running, the boys pants fell so low that everyone around could see his boxers, causing other to call out "Nick, stop pulling a nick"!

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Pulling a nick

Pulling a Nick is when someone throws their game (unintentionally, he's just bad) to the point of loosing.

He's Pulling A Nick and missing all of his shots.

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Pulling a nick

A term used to describe the actions of someone who, for a time, makes you feel important/liked only to then mysteriously stop talking to you for no apparent reason. The types of people who exhibit this kind of rude behavior will never give you a reason unless you hunt them down and demand one. This cowardly move is generally attributed to Nick's.

Girl 1: "I thought we had a really nice time on our date, but it's been almost a week and I haven't heard from him at all"

Girl 2: "Looks like he's pulling a Nick"

Girl 1: "Why would he do that? We had a really nice time"

Girl 2: "Who knows? Remember Nick's are *icks"

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Pulling a nick

leaving an IM conversation without letting anyone else know you are going

"I cannot believe that Courtney just pulled a Nick and left us."

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