Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pulling a Peters?

Waking up one morning and deciding that going to work isn't going to happen and not caring about the consequences

Named after Ron Livingston's character, Peter Gibbons, in Office Space

I felt like sleeping in, so I'm pulling a Peter Gibbons.

👍51 👎19

pulling a Peters - video


Pulling a Peters - what is it?

Peter Coffin is a youtube comedian or whatever. He kept insulting Xiaxue (Wendy Cheng the blogger) so she did some research.

She kicked his ass.

He retaliated.

She kicked his ass AGAIN. So hard.

And thus, to pull a Peter Coffin is to be a HORRIFIC failure. For more description of how badly he failed, visit Xiaxue's blog.

Yo I didn't study for that test... definitely pulled a Peter Coffin, Langtree is gonna slap me so hard...

👍163 👎39

What does "pulling a Peters" mean?

To not go out with your friends due to the fear of being beat physicaly by a girlfriend or wife every time your friends go to the bar, party, or anything else.

Why isn't John going to the bar with us tonight?

Oh he is pulling a Peters again.

👍27 👎13

Pulling a Peters - what does it mean?

Doing something really stupid while under the influence of large amounts of alcohol and cocaine. Including but not limited to CSC, home invasion, and GTA.

Bob: How'd you get the sweet car?
Bill: I was fucked up last night and had to pull a peter...

👍31 👎15

Pulling a Peters - meaning

jizzed or, ejaculating in ones pants

that girl was so hot i almost pulled a peter!

👍27 👎11

Pulling a Peters - definition

-To tell a absurd lie
-To over exaggerate about a past situation
-To be a douche

Guy 1: Man I slept with those 3 girls yesterday.
Guy2: Yeah right man, you just pulled a peter.

👍27 👎11

Pulling a Peters - slang

When Someone repeats the same phrase or idea said previously or earlier in the day.
Repeating an idea multiple times after someone has already given that idea!

Ryan: Hey lets go to McDonald's
Justin: Sounds Good I got the Munchies
Peter (Enters): Hey want to go to McDonald's
Ryan: Wow you have been pulling a peter all day today!

👍39 👎15

Pulling a Peters

Taking advantage of your boss being out of the office and 'working' from home.

Most likely to occur when one or more of these conditions are met (increasing likelihood if numerous conditions are met):

1. School holidays.
2. Man Utd. match the previous night.
3. Good Weather.
4. The 'electrician' has to call around.

Woman Teacher: "It's mid-term, will you 'work' from home tomorrow, pretty please?"
Man: "Of course, there's a United match on tonight; I'll pull a Peter on it!"

Lads in work: "So then, 20 quid says he'll end up pulling a Peter tomorrow"

👍43 👎15

Pulling a Peters

To fail, create gurgly noises, or make bad, awkward jokes. Synonym for "fail."

I made so many gurgles in Buddhist meditation today. It wasn't even funny how many peter's I pulled!

David: That's not funny.
Peter: Yes it is!
David: Stop pulling a peter.

👍91 👎21

Pulling a Peters

creating excitement around a certain event but then later ditching those who agreed to come for no good reason

"hey wheres peter, he told us to meet him here at 9"

"fuck, he just called and said he has to play drums at a retirement home"

"god. thats the third time hes pulling a peter this month"

👍39 👎11