Definder - what does the word mean?

What is promy?

A ugly freak so stupid a guy that hate on a person named Joshua

THISE Guy is a Promis uwizeye

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promy - meme gif

promy meme gif

promy - video


Promy - what is it?

Promy is an amazing person, promy is to be a Goddess. She's just beyond perfect. She has the perfect teeth and the perfect smile. Promys are sweet and difficult to find. If you find one don't forget to just keep her.

Oh my! You are such a Promy!

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What does "promy" mean?

When you spell promise wrong or make a typo.

Person 1: I promis
Person 2: Typo?
Person 1: No... How the fuck did I spell promise wrong like that? Well that's embarrassing.

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Promy - what does it mean?

a way to say promise but more inncoently and more cutely

i promis i really like ur profile picu

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Promy - meaning

a cute way of saying promise

i promis

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Promy - definition

Promie is a term for people who are popular on the internet, people in online comunities like gaiaonline. Promies have a higher social status, and practically worshipped, and usually known in a particular fourm.
It orriginated from a hangout thread for the "prominant"

He is such a promie. Everyone knows him here.

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Promy - slang

a very sweet boy with odd habits and good timing, trustworthy, funny and sometimes loserlike but still unique; these people are obsessed with tea.

Promi Bomi

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A boy defined by Gears of War, coffee, gatorade, and membership in the upper echelons of games. Can usually be found wearing baggy clothes and having a zune filled with Rihanna.

Damn Promi, why do you have lotion out everytime you listen to Rihanna?

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To be promy is to be warm and comfortable. A sensation of contentment and comfort.

After her bed time story, Julia settled in her bed and announced she was promy and ready to go to sleep.
Julia settled under her promy blanket and went to sleep.
On a cold day, Julia sat in front of the fire and instantly felt promy.

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pre-fire in counter-strike
generally occurs when one player is aorund a corner or behind a barrier, and either sees, hears, or notices a player from the opposite team on radar, moving towards their position. To gain the advantage, the player will begin firing before the opposite player is again in their sights(in the assumption that if that opposite player were to keep their same course, they would run into the 'promy', or prefire

t: turn off ur h4xx, u must be walling
ct: uhhmm noo? i heard you and you ran into my 'promy'

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