Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bomi?

Husky, brown, ludoo, and full of nuckrah, this man will always be remembered. He is a legend in the Zoroastrian Association of Houston's Youth Group and made a life-changing impact on the few, lucky soles who saw his churbas and listened to his nuckrah.
He knew how to make us laugh, even when he was being as serious as one could be. With videos made by his fans, Bomi Patel has proven to be a natural born comedian, and source of inspiration. Thank you Bomi. Thank you.

"There will be TREE buses."
"Ve vill press charges if the flag is not returned!"
"Vut is all this nuckrah about?"
"Stop the music! Time for some ni-ni."


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Bomi - meme gif

Bomi meme gif

Bomi - video


Bomi - what is it?

a stick usually used in case of fire or to stick up something

"AH! He put that bomi up my ass and it felt delicious."

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What does "Bomi" mean?

Bomy is a name for a loud, happy, weird in a good way awesome friend. Bomy is Bomy.

"Oh hey Bomy"

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Bomi - what does it mean?

A homie who is here to stay, but also here to play. But this homie is not gay, and sadly, this homie got away.

β€œBro! That homie just got away!”
β€œBrotha, don’t you mean bomie?”

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Bomi - meaning

Only the truest and realist and bests bubby, bro, and homie.

Whuddup my bomie.

Ayo me and the bomies finna go party tonight.

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Bomi - definition

This prefix, attached to any noun, is used to show that something is insufficient, broken or inadaquate. It is derived from the name of the company, BomiShip, who's chartered yachts have become famous for their spectacular lack of working equipment.

It is a common misconception that all Skodas are Bomi-cars.

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Bomi - slang

Adj. describing someone who is fabulous, someone with Diva tendancies.

1) Yeah, sure I know Sarah - that chick is so bomi!

2) Did you see what Carry was wearing last night? Now that's bomi!

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Omg that girl is such a bomi

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A famous pup on Instagram! Someone who is beautiful and has the genetics of a model.
Can be a name.

Bomi is such a sweet girl with many talents

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