Definder - what does the word mean?

What is prOwer?

The coolest character in the Sonic seires. He remains cool even after sega BSd him givimg him a girly voice.

miles tails prower is still cooler than sonic, even knuckles

👍561 👎131

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PrOwer - what is it?

A character of the popular Sega series, Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic's loyal sidekick, this 8-year old two-tailed fox is a mechanical genius. The inventor of various vehicles such as the Tornadoes 1 and 2, the Cyclone, the Blue typhoon and various other gadgets. His intellectual equal, Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik is at constant struggle with Sonic. Tails helps in his own way by working alongside Sonic in battle. He's capable of flight on his own by use of his two tails as a propeller. It has been questioned whether or not Tails was originally supposed to be a girl in his first game appearance. Tails has also been believed to be losing his role in the shadow of Sonic, but has proved time and time again as a valuable asset to the fight against evil.

Miles "Tails" Prower is a helpful fox.

👍331 👎51

What does "prOwer" mean?

1. People that have no friends are called this. It infers that they should light themselves on fire under their own power because no one likes them and never will.

2. A person who wets themselves after seeing any form of light.

3. Some one who spreads a disease that makes them unable to have babies due to constant burining sensations in the genitalia through sexual relations.

1. You're such a fire prower, go do whats right!

2. Some one I know is a fire prower. I feel really bad. At the age of 13 and still wearing a diaper and sunglasses wherever he goes.

3. My mom can't have children because I'm a fire prower

👍29 👎17

PrOwer - what does it mean?

1. People that have no friends are called this. It infers that they should light themselves on fire under their own power because no one likes them and never will.

2. A person who wets themselves after seeing any form of light.

3. Some one who spreads a disease that makes them unable to have babies due to constant burining sensations in the genitalia through sexual relations.

1. You're such a Fire Prower, go do whats right!

2. Some one I know is a Fire Prower. I feel really bad. At the age of 13 and still wearing a diaper and sunglasses wherever he goes.

3. My mom can't have children because I'm a Fire Prower.

4. Fire Prower is stupid

👍35 👎25

PrOwer - meaning

A noun- meaning a complete asshole.

That guy is such a Fire Prower.

👍31 👎19

PrOwer - definition

Meaning: Mental condition where the afflicted often replaces or misunderstands the words "prowess" or "power" for "Prower", and/or associate those words with the image of a two-tailed anthropomorphic yellow-orange fox.

Etymology: Miles "Tails" Prower, the two-tailed anthropomorphic yellow/orange fox who is most commonly associated with the words "prowess" or "power" by sufferers of Prower syndrome.

Damn, you misread "power" as "prower"? I diagnose you with Prower syndrome.

👍31 👎13

PrOwer - slang

A term to describe a derailment of a conversation by posting pointless and irrelevant Hanna-Barbera trivias and weird obsessions of cartoon characters with ginormous limbs, ruining the tone of the discussion. Commonly used by an obnoxious individual in Discord servers that are unfortunate to have them.

Friend A :" My cat passed away. Today was a hard day."
Friend B:" I'm so sorry to hear that buddy. I have a picture of my late cat I can share. Hold on."
Prower poster:" Uh... that's odd. So anyway, heres Huckleberry Hound in the 80's Yogi Bear cartoon. You can see he is a bit off colored to his 30's cartoon counterpart. Making him his nephew"
Friend A: "There he goes prower posting again. I'm leaving this server. Wouldn't miss it here. Stop DM-ing me pointless cartoon trivia, asshole. I don't give a shit."

👍25 👎11


Miles Prower, more commonly known as Tails, is a character in the game Sonic the Hedgehog, and made his first appearance in Sonic the Hedgehog 2, in the early 90's. His name is a pun of "Miles Per Hour", when said quickly. He is 8 years old, is a little shy of 3 feet tall, and weighs approx. 45 pounds. He never knew his parents, a weakness that has been used against him and is the reason for his shyness.

I love Miles Prower. My favorite char, as I'm sure you can tell. SONIC THE HEDGEHOG IS THE R0XX0RZ!1!one!1!eleven!1!11!

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A charector in the Sonic series, see Miles "Tails" Prower.

"Hi! My name is Miles Prower, but most people call me Tails."

👍119 👎31


a word used when talking about a very attractive person. (can be use for either male or female)

"oh my god he is well prower."

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