Definder - what does the word mean?

What is onny?

Someone who is severely in denial about how funny they are.

“Hey man did you hear that awful joke that Connie made” “yeh i know right, she’s such an onni

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onny - meme gif

onny meme gif

onny - video


Onny - what is it?

It’s like a offie but exactly opposite

You is that kid a offie, naaa he a onnie.

👍29 👎15

What does "onny" mean?

Very bad human being tries to press power on/off button....

Me: WTF DUDE.. U are such an Onni...
Onni: :D

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Onny - what does it mean?

Onni is a girl who thinks people like her and wishes to be Tiktok famous though it will NEVER happen.

That girl is such an onni

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Onny - meaning

A bittersweet, optimistic and sarcastic person.

Wow, I'm really intreagued by you. You are such an onni!

👍29 👎13

Onny - definition

A totally badass girl. Always there for her friends and always giving great advice. An Onnie is very very cute, with a little ski-sloped nose and blonde hair. Boys always fall in love with her. They generally have an awesome best friend named Lisa and a really cute boyfriend named David. Onnies are always up for an adventure; whether its streaking, raving, or committing grand theft auto, shes always there with a pair of stunnah shades and a positive attitude.

Josep- "Dude I totally wanted a one night stand with this girl I met at the party last night...."

Sam- "Well, what happened man?"

Josep- "I fucked her, but then I accidentally fell in love with her... so I called her back."

Sam- "Ahh... yeah, she's an Onnie huh?"

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Onny - slang

Onnie(sometimes spelled-honnie, hony, onny) is a slang word for honest.

"yo Brent, be honnie for a sec do u think Steph is thick?"

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Indonesian word meaning monkey that is stubborn, tricky, kind, sweet, funny but also dimwitted and simple comes from Lip Gin

You are an Onny woman, kind caring but also simple and tricky.

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to be practically awesome, so surpass the mediocre life that you pursue. to be created to show the world how life is supposed to be

-wow she is such and onni

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Someone that is super-fly; the opposite of an offy

You're an offy; I'm an onny.

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