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What is nut funk?

a versatile adjective.

#1: i lost my car keys! funk nuts!
#2: wow i got extra change! funk nuts!

👍31 👎15

nut funk - video


Nut funk - what is it?

An odor that originates from a sweaty, usually unwashed, scrotum. The odor can range from peculiar, neither smelling good nor bad, to down-right awful. An awful sweaty nut funk smell is a good indication of the early signs of jock itch. The causes of sweaty nut funk range from physical activity, to nothing more than a long, hot car ride. Sweaty nut funk can often be treated with a warm shower, in which the scrotum is cleaned vigorously. If sweaty nut funk persists, contact medical help immediately.

After hours of riding in the car, Steve found humor in forcing Justin to smell his sweaty nut funk.

👍127 👎29

What does "nut funk" mean?

The term used to describe the unpleasant odor of sweaty, unwashed testicles after a few days.

"Man I got to take a shower, I don't want Krissy smelling the nut funk"

👍117 👎37

Nut funk - what does it mean?

extremely foul smell from the bottom of the testes which results from streneous exercise, physical activity or yo nazzty ass hasnt bathed in a few

damn yo, you got sum nazzty nut funk, dawg

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