Definder - what does the word mean?

What is nsd?

National Skirt Day, this is a day when all the girls where I live wear a skirt for the entire day. Some have panties under the skirt, some have thongs and g-strings under the skirt, and some girls wear nothing under the skirt. This day is the day in which one girl will not have think in their minds..."Will I be the only girl wearing a skirt today?"

National Skirt Day is on the date of-- March 10th and it started the year of 1998, so, the very first National Skirt Day was, 3/10/1998. March 10, 1998 was the start of National Skirt Day, so be honored to know that the tenth day in March is a very special day. NATIONAL SKIRT DAY.

Man- "Hey girl, are you wearing a skirt for me tomorrow?"

Girl- "Yes, I am wearing a skirt tomorrow, but not for you. I am wearing one because it is National Skirt Day tomorrow."

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nsd - meme gif

nsd meme gif

nsd - video


Nsd - what is it?

A gay person that’s trash at clash royale and any video game

Omg this bou nsd nathan got clapped by me

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What does "nsd" mean?

N- national S- sports D- development
When you are doing NSD it is just generally alot of hard work.

"What are you doing tonight?"
"I have NSD"

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Nsd - what does it mean?

National Sorry Day.
The day Australia says sorry to the Stolen Generation.

National Sorry Day is held each year on May 26th, since 1998.

The name was changed to National Day of Healing during 2005, but it was decided that it should be changed back to Sorry Day the September of that year.

A formal apology to the Stolen Generation shall be held on May 26th, 2008, by Kevin Rudd.

"What day is it today, man?"

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Nsd - meaning

Nigga Suck Dick

dude,that guy suffers from NSD

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Nsd - definition

N - Nicotine
S - Smoking

D - Device

An acronym used among high schooler nicotine fiends that represents all types of nicotine pod devices. Such devices include but are not limited to : Juuls, Suorins, and Novos.

Person A - "Brooo I need some nic. Let him your NSD"

Person B - "Which one? My juul or by suorin?"

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Nsd - slang

A question signifing if you or some one you know "Need some dick ?"

My homie: my girl been on my as cause im always playing video games

Me: you NSD?

My homie:bet you the best no homo

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No-Fuck Single Dad

Single father unable to get his end away.

You have to feel sorry for the fella - another NSD - poor bugger

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National sibling day

Love my sis and bro nsd

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"No Symptoms disease"

This term is when people stay home from school and they do not have anything wrong with them.

"The boy stayed home from school, he had NSD"

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