Definder - what does the word mean?

What is niggo?

Gamer jargon. A term used to describe something or someone who has ascended to a higher dimension through sheer willpower, going a step above Sicko Mode.

My man Joe over here goin Niggo Mode.

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niggo - video


Niggo - what is it?

A term used by racists spawning from Wigan, often to deter their inability to pronounce words correctly or as a filibuster.

Oi luv, pass us that pie before I go Niggo Mode.

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What does "niggo" mean?

The sexy mothefucker

Holy shit, he must named niggo

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Niggo - what does it mean?

If you are a white man that is respectful of black people and still want to say nigga

Black Man: he is such a nigga
White man: yea he is such a niggo

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Niggo - meaning

A black person that overachieves

Ben Carson is an absolute Niggo

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Niggo - definition

A white nigga

Yo dawg, you see dat niggo over there? Bro, he tryin to be a nigga

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Niggo - slang

A type of chocolate flavored cereal that only black people seem to enjoy.

Tyrone: Yo nigga I got some Niggo's from Walmart motherfucka

Billy: Hol up nigga, you could afford dat shit?

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A white hood rat that listens to nothing but eminen, and talks about 8 mile, he studies black people walking down the street wishing to be them, he sags his pants trying to be thug, he can't tell you the difference between left or right, but he can sure tell you the difference between "The hood" and "The Trap", his favorite phrase is "12" (even tho he has no clue what it means) tell him he's white and your sure to get a niggo whoopin, all around these people think their thugs and tell fake stories about running from the cops, even tho everybody around them knows they have never been talked to by a cop

You: That guy just yelled 12 and then put his headphones in a walked away

Friend: He's probably listening to eminem

You: Yeah he's straight niggo

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A nigger on the go

shit, look at that niggo

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A gay fanpage of xxxtenticals

β€œHey did you hear that kid niggo he said he wanted to suck your cock”

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