Definder - what does the word mean?

What is my obama?

To wait for further developments just like democratic presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama is waiting to become the next president of the United States of America with Senator Joe Biden as his running mate.

Person 1: Are you going to get that new car that you have been looking at and talking about for that last couple of months?
Person 2: No, not right now. I am Biden my time like Obama until I see how the current economic situation pans out.

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my obama - video


My obama - what is it?

What Americans think of their Fuhrer.

You can suck my dick obama!

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What does "my obama" mean?

Used in Fifth Harmony's song “BO$$”, has a similar meaning as fleek but also involves having a healthy body and diet of vegetation.

Person 1: How's that diet going?
Person 2: Gurl, I'm on my Michelle Obama! I had some turnips and my body feels great!

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My obama - what does it mean?

To hope for something with no results or zero possibility of it ever happening.

Max: I'm going to get my obama on tonight with your mom.
Sam: That will never happen man...ever.

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My obama - meaning

Replacement for my N***a

Was Good my obama

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