Definder - what does the word mean?

What is murp?

Man burp

Dude that was a murp!

👍59 👎77

murp - meme gif

murp meme gif

murp - video


Murp - what is it?

borderline worse than the F-word
dont ever say it in public
not to be confused with the totally meaningless and harmless "merp"

You: "Ah murp!"
Everyone else: "OMG! I can't believe she just said that!"

👍39 👎29

What does "murp" mean?

a word used to express anger, annoyance and basically every emotion in existence

also can be used after someone does or says something cute

someone annoys you or gets you mad: MURP YOU!!
someone says something cute: awwww murp
if your in a situation where u don't know what to say: murp
*when in doubt say murp*

👍29 👎13

Murp - what does it mean?

The hypothetical sound a person in a wheelchair makes when they whiz by you at an extremely rapid pace.

I was crossing the street, and then out of nowhere this guy in a wheelchair murped in front of me and cut me off! What an asshole!

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Murp - meaning

A sound muttered when ones finger is touched to the tip of another's nose. A great answer to any question.

Bethany: "Why are we here?"

God: "Murp."

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Murp - definition

a unique method of gas release through the mouth by a person name mitch.. mitch + strange burp = murp

rachael - what was that sound???
Mitch- ohh... I just murped.

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Murp - slang

A cross between a meowing and purring, or chirping, noise a cat makes. Also known as a chirp or trill.

Me: Max, come get your treat
Max: Murp!

The cat went "murp" instead of meowing.

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an exclamation of extreme emotion!

I just failed my class murp!

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Another word for whatever, not caring, you're rude or anything else that describes how a person feels in the situation.

A: Unblock your sister from twitter.

C: Murp! not going to happen.


T: I don't like your hair.

J: MURP! *rolls eyes*

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Used to imply contentness . Also a good way to respond to a question without giving an answer.

Contentness - After enjoying a cold drink "murp" , after a something is said in your favor "murp"

Nonanswer - Dad : "Son, are you going to mow that lawn today?" Son : "murp"

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