Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mungas?

cunt (in some northern Australian Aboriginal languages)

You stupid munga

👍65 👎57

mungas - meme gif

mungas meme gif

mungas - video


Mungas - what is it?

A large orange gord, part of the squash family where as the innards and seads are edible. See Pumpkin.

Due to circumstances under which it is the Halloween season, we must obtain ourselves a fantastic plethora of mungas.

👍61 👎51

What does "mungas" mean?

A fantastically versatile filler word.

blah blah blah munga policy blah munga

👍71 👎55

Mungas - what does it mean?

A word often used by Danny Fairbrass to describe carp fishing bait.

Look at that spod mix, full of carpy munga...

👍39 👎17

Mungas - meaning

An abnormally tall male who stands out in public and has an abnormally large penis which is proportional to his body.

That nigga is hung like a munga

👍89 👎41

Mungas - definition

A male who has an extremely large penis.

Have you seen that guy in the changeroom he is a munga

👍101 👎45

Mungas - slang

A tall person with a massive penis

That is a munga

👍155 👎61



That girl has massive mungas

👍25 👎11


Mungas mean that your jealous or that someone should be jealous

When you see your mate and your with your girl hee says "Man im so mungas of your girl she smoking HOT."


Damn mungas much

👍183 👎53



That chick has massive Mungas

👍37 👎11