Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mundy?

Originally named Hayden, this creature has transpired into a booze and substance fiend who is always seeking for a buzz of some sort. Through his childhood he had many interactions with fellow acquaintance Jen which had shaped him to be the specimen he is today. On the graph of this young Knights life he has only partially completed his quest, however his Fucked Level Graph (FLG) has an unlimited Domain and Range. Some positive attributes of a Mundy include; great hair and stone jaw, academically gifted and athletically advanced (when he beat a much faster inhabitant of earth in a foot race). some common Mundy sayings are "douhhhh", "woah" "are you kidding me" & "perma" If playing World of Warcraft I personally would not recommend you pick Mundy has your first choice as who to be.

To turn on Mundy's light you have to pull a string which is attracted to a roof.
To turn on Mundy's light, offer him a busted up caffeine pill.
wow that Mundy is a great character with Expert speed attributes

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mundy - meme gif

mundy meme gif

mundy - video


Mundy - what is it?

An eastern seaboard rock cod, known for its fear of the ocean

Did you catch a fish.

Yea, but it’s just a Mundie

Gross, throw it back.

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What does "mundy" mean?

Mundie is a word which is quite often used to describe the drummer of Australian band Courtney Barnett

"Look! There goes Mad Dog Mundie!"

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Mundy - what does it mean?

Mundy is one of the most AMAZING people ever to exist on this Earth. One of the cutest most wonderful humans ever. Mundy deserves the world and more. Mundy always has a Rex accompanying them.

Guy 1. "Wow that person is like....really pretty..."

Guy 1. "Jesus chill out dude."
Rex. "Sorry I just really love Mundy a whole lot."

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Mundy - meaning

A professional athlete, predominately black. Used for fantasy sports.

β€œThat Mundy better be getting it together or they’ll all be sent to the waiver wire!”

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Mundy - definition

an adjective used to describe someone who is fat, stupid, unathletic, clumsy, or overall just a degenerate

person 1: Yo man, I just found a piece of pizza from the garbage but I rolled my ankle on a rock and dropped it.
person 2: What the fuck dude, you're a fucking mundy.

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Mundy - slang

When you pull your pants all the way up, so as to hide your underwear specifically to avoid judgement or assumptions from society or law enforcement

the mundies are showing bruh, better hide that
you don't put the mundies away they gonna judge

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When you’re out on the town emptying five litre jugs of beer into your throat hole to the point of total oblivion and you become relegated to an evening of being flaccid from the neck down.

Laser beam vomiting and impromptu scuba diving experiences often go hand in hand with being Mundied.

β€œBoys! I’ve got a pocket full of ponies but no chance of a stallion in my pants! I’m absolutely Mundied!”

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Used to describe the state of having one of your Tweets replied to by a user with 6 or 7 Tweets of his or her own.

Named in honor of Twitterer Justin Mundie, whose proclivity toward verbose replies spread over several Tweets led to the coining of the term.

Also forms the basis for the "reverse Mundie"

Me: "Woah, Phil, have you seen your list of @ replies?!? That Justin guy really went to town replying to your statement about taxes!"

Phil: "Yeah, I totally got Mundied on that one."

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modern version of fabl(s) and fabl characters. And this is the Fables' slang term for normal humans citizens, their technology, or the world itself. They are not part of any fairy tales, and apart from a very few cases, the Mundies are generally unaware of the existence of the Fables and magic in general.

I'm a mundy version of Prince Charming (this is for you, girls)

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