Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mundos?

Hueco Mundo (Spanish, lit. Hollow World)

The correct ordering of the words in Spanish should be Mundo Hueco

1 is a fictional dimension in the manga and anime series Bleach, where the series' main antagonists, the hollows, reside.

2 is located between the living world and Soul Society. It can only be accessed by ripping a hole in the dimensional fabric separating the worlds, or using a special technique known as a garganta (Spanish for throat). The hollows can travel to and from Hueco Mundo at will. The landscape of Hueco Mundo is a seemingly neverending white desert, with dunes like those of the Sahara. The desert is littered with what appear to be boulders and dead, shriveled trees, but these are actually a form of quartz. In Hueco Mundo, the Moon is on the opposite lunar phase of that in the human world. Like Soul Society, the atmosphere is filled with spiritual energy, but it is much more concentrated in Hueco Mundo than it is in Soul Society,2 thus allowing hollows to gain nourishment despite the lack of human souls.

Let's go to Hueco Mundo and kill some Hollow.

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mundos - meme gif

mundos meme gif

mundos - video


Mundos - what is it?

A reference to the well-loved, world traveling, guitar playing crooner-psychologist, known as β€œMundo” to his fans, because he’s always on the move first thing in the morning thanks to his boundless energy and important day job running the mental health program in a men’s prison.

Look, there’s Mundo on the move, he’s headed into work at an ungodly hour to put quality into prison mental health care!

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What does "mundos" mean?

Balls that are the size of tennis balls and produce gallons of Semen

omg did you see his mundos dangling from his shorts

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Mundos - what does it mean?

+Filipino word, which in English means world

Diego: Nasusunog ang Mundo, ngunit wala pa rin silang paki
Samantha: What does that mean
Diego: The world is burning, and yet, they still don't care

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Mundos - meaning

A word used to describe something so big that only mundo will do.

"That's one mundo screen."

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Mundos - definition

the definition of this word means very or alot. usually used by super cool people.

I'm mundo excited to go to the movies on saturday! or your mundo gay you assgoblin.

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Mundos - slang

a person called mundo or a mundo has/is an enourmous penis so large that most women struggle to insert it into their vaginas, a penis so large that when erect does not rise but falls under its own weight

"oh my good gracious me did you see that guys mundo in the shower last night its not like me to stare but it was huge"

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Mundo, short for Dr. Mundo, is a Corporate Mastermind/Mad Scientist in the Runeterra city of Zaun. He prides himself on his lack of restrictions when electing to perform an action. Often times, he takes great enjoyment in performing these actions, and will not hesitate to announce said enjoyment. Many people claim that bystanders go missing when around Mundo, but such a case has yet to be legally proven.

Mundo is defined as Mundo pleases.

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As in to Mundo a hot chick or get Mundo'ed by someone.

Jimmy - "Gaz look, theres some hot chicks"
Gaz - "It's Mundo Time"

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See: Munsoned
The ultimate demoralization of an individual.

"You've been Mundoed." "Well crap. I've been Mundoed."

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