Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mumbly?

to injure or inflict pain on yourself.

I mumbled my foot in the game.

👍53 👎31

mumbly - meme gif

mumbly meme gif

mumbly - video


Mumbly - what is it?

A woman wearing clothing that is far too tight for her , often with no underwear, so that you can see the shape and movement of her genitals. Her lips are moving, but you can't hear what she is saying.

Man, check out Mumbles over there in the cycling shorts.

👍101 👎59

What does "mumbly" mean?

talked quitely

she mumbled the answer

👍35 👎13

Mumbly - what does it mean?

Mumble means "gobbledygook" or worded rubbish. A collection of letters which means nothing at all.

"Woah, that was total Mumble, try saying it again"

👍123 👎65

Mumbly - meaning

Similar to "spoken for," when referring to relationship status, but more indistinct - when you are "mumbled for," you will hopefully be in a relationship soon, and it would be rude to engage in alternative romantic entanglements.

You might also be in a relationship with a person who mumbles.

Rob: Hey, you want to go enjoy the sunset together?
Jane: Sorry, I'm mumbled for - Dave and I have been seriously flirting for weeks now.


Jane: Hey darling, do we need more vegetables?
Dave: Hrmm mm huh roomm.
Jane: What?

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Mumbly - definition

What you call a person who never speaks clearly or always mumbles.

I can't understand a word mumbles is saying!

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Mumbly - slang

Radio edit substitution for "motherfucker"

Do the ladies run this mumble-mumble?

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Mumbles is a character by Edbassmaster on YouTube. Born in the 60's in Malt Lickie, Texas; he often has trouble communicating with people and often gets frustrated.

Mumbles: Can you put malt lickies on that?

Car Salesman: No, I'm not going to put anything on it.

Mumbles: Well, can you bartle doo the price?

Car Salesman: The price? $12,000.

Mumbles: Right, but can you bartle doo?

Car Salesman: I'm not sure what you mean by that word.

Mumbles: Well, can you just kaypomasodums with the malt lickies?

Car Salesman: No, if you buy, you do it.

Mumbles: I'm gonna buy it! Just kaypomasodums with malt lickies!!!

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1. To speak in a very sloppy manner, usually under ones breath, without using the mouth to form words properly.

Mumbler: "asfjeihwghckndiwhf food qfdiqwhfiwhf"

Responder: "Dude, shut the fuck up, and stop mumbling"

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The best sentence or sentence-filler ever.

"What have you been doing?" "Mumble mumble."

Welcome to asperger king, where your extremely specific fast-food order is our mumble mumble.

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