Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mullette?

to shave your balls but leave hair on the topside.

why would you only shave your balls and not everything? dont you realize it looks like a crotch mullett.

👍27 👎11

mullette - meme gif

mullette meme gif

mullette - video


Mullette - what is it?

A dental mullett when people have beautiful teeth in the front and nasty teeth in the back.

Mel doesnt smile too wide, she doesnt want to show the world her dental mullett

👍65 👎13

What does "mullette" mean?

One who is wise in the way of the mullet. See also Dickie Bob or Dick Jenkins.

Whoah, now that is a true mulletteer.

👍31 👎15

Mullette - what does it mean?

When something is fucked-up beyond repair. Named after the bottom feeding fish

Chris said that this inspection form has been completely mullettized

👍33 👎15

Mullette - meaning

When a dude or a chick (ckick: often known as a femmullet or a shemullett) has long hair in back and short, often spiked, hair on top.

Mullets are perhaps the best most awesome hairstyles a guy could ever have. Girls, stay away form the shemullett or anything that would even suggest it.

👍61 👎39

Mullette - definition

A hair style that started in the early 1970's as a result of employers discriminating against long hair. The person would get their hair cut regularly, but keep the back long and tuck it into thier collars to hide it's length. Hence the phrase "business in the front, party in the back". The haircut was first seen worn by Paul McCartney in the early 1970's, but then became extremely popular in the 1980's and 1990's because of MTV videos by U2 and the "Lethal Weapon" movies. The term "mulletthead" was first coined by the actor George Kennedy in the movie "Cool Hand Luke" These people are known to have had (and may still do)have mulletts: Kurt Russell, Bono, Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise, Paul McCartney,& Billy Ray Cyrus,

Someone better tell that dude the eighties are over and to cut that mullett.

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Mullette - slang

A gay hamilton ship. Hercules Mulligan and Lafayette are the two being shipped. Both revolutionaries one a tailor who spied on the British government and the other a French men.

Man aside from lams, mullette is the best! Hercules Mulligan x Lafayette forever

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mullet (female)

Your mom has a Mullette

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a term denoting the mullet(female)

"That guy in the Camaro has a mullet,"
"yah but look at his wife's mullette!"

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1. A fancy mullet.
2. A mullet on a french person.

1. Hey that mullette goes well with your trendy Armani suit.

2. Why is that Frenchie covering up such a badass mullette with a berret?

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