Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mullet's?

A hairstyle that is short in the front and long in the back.
Also know as the hockey haircut.
Often associated with people named Billy Bob.

Hey, cut your mullet Billy Bob!

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Mullet's - what is it?

a hairstyle from the 1980's that is all buisness in the front and all party in the back.

Joe Dirt had a major mullet goin on.

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What does "mullet's" mean?

When the back of a short hairstyle grows faster than the front, so that it slowly starts progressing to a mullet.

My hair is starting to mulletize; I seriously need to get it cut!

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Mullet's - what does it mean?

What Emos' have,only backwards.

"Woah,look at the emo kids' reverse mullet!"

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Mullet's - meaning

Mulletant: aimless red state radical; one who speaks most pejoratively when asked to comment on city slickers, urban malaise, limousine liberals and Macy’s Marxists; a cloudy-minded (and usu. tipsy) creature who foams at the mouth when unaware passenger seat dwellers pause at the local NPR station when surfing AM radio; a devout fan of disaffected rockers who distill left-leaning punk and angst-riddled music to a core formula of β€˜screamoaning,’ suicidal ideation, and a β€œleave me alone” basement meth lab attitude.

A mulletant proves most dangerous when teaming up with like-minded fellows under a banner that attempts to capture a vague purpose (usu. through insignia pregnant with insecurity and/or a-historical chauvinism a.k.a. β€œemasculated lighter skinned--read: not darker than an undetermined standard unrelated to family trees and a promiscuous definition of European ancestry; not synonymous with β€œalbino” or caused by β€œvitiligo”; usu. distinguishable from flu-like paleness; fluorescent glow may neither be achieved through clever use of foundation nor denied through indulgence in tanning goods or services--American mutt” power supremacists), not to be mistaken with any of the tightly organized (even militaristic) organizations bearing the coincidentally similar postfix β€œ-ant.”

The "Twangy" newsletter coverboy is so mulletant. Republican Party in the back!

Alt-country and folk are okay, but they fail to capture the coveted attention of a key demographic: tween mulletants whose disposable income remains a mystery to most astute analysts of consumer behavior.

He's harmless. He talks a lot of trash, but he's just mad that his parents couldn't afford to move out of the neightborhood when the cash-strapped (but comparatevily more industrious and potentially mobile) immigrants started moving into town. He's a run-of-the-mill mulletant.

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Mullet's - definition

Nickname for the Miami Dolphins when they aren't playing well.

Bill: "You watching the Dolphins game on Sunday?"

Frank: "I don't know Bill, after losing that last game I'm about ready to give up on the Mullets. I'm just looking forward to the draft..."

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Mullet's - slang

The ideal haircut for a man/woman who is short on change...

Joe walks into the barbershop:

Joe: "How much for a full haircut?"

Barber: "$15 dollars for the whole head..."

Joe: "Well I only have $10, start at the front and give me my moneys worth..."

Result: Mullet

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well, there are three known people who save the world and have a mullet.
-solid snake
-captain planet
- and, macgyver.

richard dean anderson is the man. he saves the world and has a mullet. he doesnt have it now, but he saves the world anyways in stargate sg-1.

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Also known as Business in the front, Party in the back. May also be called a Tennesee Waterfall. Rarely spotted in the wild, there are several specimens to be found captive in trailer parks.

"Yeehaw! That's the biggest mullet I've ever seen!"

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Pronounced "MUHL LET"

A hairstyle in which the front is cut trim, but the back is long, left wild and often uncut. Even when the back is cut, it is still longer than the front. It is the sign of the redneck. Alternate names include:

Ape Drape. Beaver Paddle. Bi - Level. Camero Cut. Buisness in the front, Party in the back. Canadian passport. Coupe Longveuil. El-camino. Hockey hair. Kentucky waterfall. Missouri comprimise. Mudflap. Neckwarmer. Ranchero. Shlonc (short + long). Achy-breaky-bad-mistakey. Soccer rocker. Squirrel pelt. Tennessee tophat. Yep-nope.


"My hobies are sexual harassment, taking advantage of intoxicated employees at company gatherings, browsing thru kiddie porn on company time (with stiffy)." - Guy with a giant mullet

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