Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mr morris?

A lovely man, great lessons, brilliant business mind he kisses me goodbye after every lesson. God hes so hot. Everyone loves him

Mr Morris is defined as a legend
Studen 1 "you got big Matthew Morris today?"

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mr morris - video


Mr morris - what is it?

my math teacher

"who's your math teacher this semester" "well, mrs morris"

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What does "mr morris" mean?

A Fat fucking pig who puts kids though hell for no damn reason.

"Fuck Mr. Morris" said Landyn

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Mr morris - what does it mean?

A pioneer of intellectual studies, one of if not THE smartest people alive. His pursuits have led him to teach others of his knowledge. He is known for his signature catchphrase "we want to make your brain hurt"

"we want to make your brain hurt" ~ Mr. Morris

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Mr morris - meaning

He's the coolest dude ever, you see him walking around like this :😎.

He could get every girl he wants but he always declines bc he's way too cool.

He also looks like this :πŸ€‘.

Girl 1: Mr. Morris is so hot but he doesn't like me back :(

Girl 2: He doesn't like me either...

Girl 3: seggsy ass mf

Dude 1: He's so cool, I wish I'd that cool..

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Mr morris - definition

An absolute god.

What a legend mr morris is, his lessons are beautiful and his style of teaching is amazing. Not forgetting he’s an absolute beast that drives a white Kia.

Pupil A: β€œHave you seen mr morris today”

Pupil B: β€œNo, I’ve got him period 2” *Cries in excitement*

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