Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Landyn?

He is the person to be there for others but feels sad at most but is very nice and most likely to listen to Juice Wrld or XXXTENTACION or maybe when sad at most Lil Peep but never lets you down will be there for you and cheer you up never hurt or disrespect this person you will regret it.

Wow did you see Landyn yea I really like that name

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Landyn - meme gif

Landyn meme gif

Landyn - video


Landyn - what is it?

Landyn likes many games and is really smart. Loves his friends and is super cool and non judgmental! He's super nice and is fun to talk with. He's really funny and you'll love to hangout with him!

1: Landyn is your friend?
2: Yeah! Super cool dude.

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What does "Landyn" mean?

Landyn is funny and people enjoy his company. He has brown eyes and hair that make it easy to fall in love. He may go through some hard relationships but soon he will find the right girl. Any girl who gets a Landyn is a lucky girl. Landyn is very weird but very loved at the same time.😘😘

Girl 1: omg there's Landyn!! He is so cute. I'm gonna go talk to him!!
Girl 2: not if I get to him first!!
Girl 3: wait for me!!

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Landyn - what does it mean?

Landyn is a beautiful and intelligent women, who deserves everything. She's smart, kind, and cares ab many others. Although Landyn's can be short tempered, they are also the most kind individuals out there. With their blue eyes and smile, they can get almost anyone they please

Man, she must be a landyn

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Landyn - meaning

Landyns have the biggest wiener known to man, there at the top of the food chain they eat people named connor, they are the alpha males.

woah that guy just ate a boy named connor his named must be landyn he’s so sexy

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Landyn - definition

A handsome brown eye and haired make . Normally a country boy,raised on a farm. Loyal to friends and family. Once he finds the right girl,his Heart will be set forever. He will make the first move when he feels the love. Wonderful man and great friend

O.M.G!!! Landyn is the best guy to ever date!so hot and sexy

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Landyn - slang

Is usually a blondish brownish colored hair with blue eyes. Has a kind heart for animals and humans. Very sweet and kind, an amazing person in general

Wow that person must be a Landyn

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A whole ass man whore!

Person 1: omg is that Landyn ? Better watch out!

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Dark blonde hair and blue eyes, many a woman's ideal man. A landyn is suave and chivalrous and would do anything for his friends. He tends to be an open book, but deep down has problems just like everyone else. Don't get on his bad side, the moment you do, all his kindness will leave and a rage will emerge. No one will be safe from him, but it takes a lot to make him mad.

That gentleman must be a Landyn.
What's his name? He just held open the door for me./ Oh, his name is Landyn

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a beautiful blond hair blue eyes boy, he offen likes 2 ressel. he can be very loveable and he will stick up for the ones he loves, normaly popular and is shy but makes friends easlie ;loves his friends and will stick up for wut he beleaves in.

dude i do u see landyn over there.

ya everyone loves that guy hes really nice

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