Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mousered?

someone who works REALLY hard and deserves a break because they deal with shit during the school year, as well as the summer, and even with everything that is going on, STILL manages 2 kick major ass in everything she does because she is just that FUCKING MARVELOUS! =)

a mighty-mouser is someone like jenny...who is the bestest weenie in the world!!!

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mousered - meme gif

mousered meme gif

mousered - video


Mousered - what is it?

Sexual act ; The Man (Mouser) allows another man to pull out his pubes wearing them as whiskers. He then sprawls on all fours and begins to deficate on the other man.

Me and Tom totally went Mouser Fwuffiking the other night.

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What does "mousered" mean?

An attempt of a moustache grown by a Birko that just has no strength in it whatsoever, usually just wisps of pubic hair grown above the top lip and a far cry from that of Magnum (Tom Selleck)

" I went on a bender and woke up three days later with what looked like a Birkenhead Mouser, I instantly shaved it off before leaving the house "

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Mousered - what does it mean?

Derogatory term relating to natives of Liverpool uk (Scousers) Orig. Cockney rhyming slang (London uk) although widely used across the UK.
Term makes fun of scousers cartoon-like: Character, appearance, use of language and squeeky accents.

"Give them mickey mousers an inch and they take a mile"

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Mousered - meaning

Mouser(n) or (adj): Any person who kisses ass persistently.

On Police Academy 1 & 2, The ranking officer that always hated Mahoney; his side-kick Proctor was always kissing this Lt. ass...constantly.

Guy #1: Damn dude, why you always gotta be a mouser when Chris come to the hood?
Guy #2: Get off that shit man, I ain't mousin' him...dude be drivin' some tight rides yo! He's the man!

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Mousered - definition

one who has relations with a person of the opposite sex, who is at least 6-12 inches shorter.

Casey became a mouser when she hooked up with Paul S the wrester.

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Mousered - slang

A good friend who's willing to stand up for his homies.

"Hey holmes, you a real mouser, yknow that?"

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A Mouser is a womans vagina or the hair above her vagina.

"Oi Mary, thats a nice Mouser you have"

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To purposely leave a conversation, or gathering, without notice or intent of returning for at least a 2 hour period.

Man, that guy just mousered me.


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1.) When a mouser gets distracted and goes off to do something else.

That mouser got distracted by the ball of yawn and mousered us.

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