Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mlit?

my life is tebow(ing); like Tim Tebow, you get down on one knee, raise a clenched fist to either your heart or forehead, and pray (or just pretend to pray). the point, no one around you is doing that so it gets everyones attention! can be done seriously or as a joke, and is becoming popular in the category of planking or supermaning

"Dude, I was so grateful the Giants won, i got up on the table and starting Tebowing. MLIT"
"There was an awkward silence, so I just Tebowed"
"MLIT, the teacher tried to give a pop quiz, but then changed her mind, so we all got out of our desks and tebowed"

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mlit - meme gif

mlit meme gif

mlit - video


Mlit - what is it?

My Life is Twilight. Taken from the "mylifeistwilight" website. Used by the armies of twilight fans to display their dedication to the saga. Usually appended to a sentence describing their fanaticism.

I'm such a Twihard- I got the New Moon soundtrack when it came out (a month before the movie did), and I cried the first time I heard "New Moon (The Meadow)" because I could literally feel Bella's pain. MLIT

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What does "mlit" mean?

It is an acronym standing for "MyLifeIsTwilight" or "My Life Is Twilight". It is a website for the Twilight obsessed patterned after the popular FML ("Fuck My Life") website.


"I go out of my way to be intentionally clumsy so that a gorgeous vegetarian vampire will pick up my books after I drop them or my keys out of a puddle. MLIT"

"Today, My mom was talking to me about marriage and I just screamed and said "I'm not getting married to anybody thats not Edward" and then she proceed to say that he doesn't exist and all I screamed was "Yes he does". MLIT"

"I was so upset about this 4chan stuff that I ran to my collection of twilight memorabilia and grabbed one of my books. I went to my bed to lay down and read it and it was the Breaking Dawn book and it opened right up to where Bella awakens as a vampire. It was a sign to persevere! MLIT"

My twitard friend now spends her life on MLIT. She thinks Edward Cullen is real.

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Mlit - what does it mean?

1. A male clitoris. 2. The nub left after a man's penis is cut off.

I caught my roommate watching Real Housewives of New Jersey. I think he has a mlit.

👍43 👎13

Mlit - meaning

MLIT is known for My Life Is Twilight.
A website entirely made up of people(usually teeny boppers) that can not get a real life or a real relationship so they write about how lame their lives are involving twilight.

Grow up.


Spare me.

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Mlit - definition

aka. A website based off of MLIA and FML, but where the fans of Twilight convene to share their unrelaistic dreams about Edwierd, how they break up with their boyfriends or their boyfriends break up with them because of their love for Edwierd, and where Twilight haters go for a good laugh. Makes many people lose their faith in humanity.

"Today, I was half naked and getting dressed when my Edward cutout (which I bought on one of my frequent trips to Forks) fell on top of me. Instead of pushing it off, I exclaimed, "Oh Edward! Not this early!" Then my mother walked in and took him out of my room saying, "its for my own good." MLIT "

"I have a life-sized cardboard cutout of Edward in my room. When I saw New Moon again I bought an extra ticket and had Edward sit next to me. Best date ever. MLIT "

"My boyfriend got so sick of me talking about how good the Twilight Saga was he decided to read it. He hated it, and then told me to choose him or my obsession. I said you know the answer, to which he replied "Thank God". He didn't get it until I told him to get out of my house. MLIT. "

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Mlit - slang

My Life Is Twilight, or MLIT, is an internet forum where people submit stories that are coincidentally similar or that can be seen as awesome in the twilight fan-world. These people are stupid. It's for sad, lonely people who have no friends and have no real appreciation of what is cool. The vast majority of the stories are false as they are all the same situation submitted by hundreds of different people.

Stupid Girl : Hey, have you seen this awesome site, MLIT?

Clever girl: *Beats up* You should check out MLIA/AverageWizard and get a life.

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Shortened version of mlitoris, or man-clit

You can't be too rough with a mlit

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