Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mixy?

Urban name for blender in India.

Put the fruits in the mixie.

We need a new mixie.

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mixy - meme gif

mixy meme gif

mixy - video


Mixy - what is it?

n. A short, hopefully ironic, way of referring to a mixed drink; a mixed drink being a drink comprised of hard alcohol and some other non-alcoholic beverage.

P1: "Hey, I just bought vodka, gin, and rum, and got coke, orange juice, and cranberry for mixies."
P2: "Did you just say mixies?"

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What does "mixy" mean?

Describes an individual who is of mixed racial backgrounds. One who is empowered by and proud of their multi-ethnic genetic makeup.

Mixy-mixys unite!

She's beautiful, she is a mixymixy - Korean, Black, Cherokee.

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Mixy - what does it mean?

A Japanese SNS website. Sorta like a Japanese version of myspace or facebook. One can only become a user via invitation from another mixi user.

It has been a problem where certain jocks will post about how bad they were, such as stealing motorcycles, which will then attract hundreds of angry users and start up a flame war. This will eventually lead to the exposure of the user, giving out his real name and his past crime to his school/employer, which is equal to a death sentence in Japan.

Dude, could you invite me to mixi?

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Mixy - meaning

a female that always just wants to be in the mix of things

β€œEverybody’s knows her, she’s a mixie”

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Mixy - definition

(N, Adj) The act of getting in the mix or mixing it up with others socially.

"Let's get Mixy"--as in let's mix it up with others in a social environment
"There's good Mix"--There is good social interaction in the immediate surrounding environment
"He/She has good Mix"--the person described has good chat/banter when interacting in a social environment

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Mixy - slang

Someone who knows everyone; can have negative connotations

"Yo you fuck with Jessica now?"
"Nah, I did, but she's too mixy"

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a word like cool. A mixture of someone being both mint and sexy.

Oh look Gina is mixy

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(adj.) associated with negativity; seen as untrustworthy, nosy, worrisome, and/or consistently pressed

"I don't hang with Josie no more, she been real mixy lately."

"I wouldn't have come to this function if I knew all these mixy hoes would be here."

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someone who fucks with the opps

Sarah been messing with Jodi, knowing that ion like her, she’s too mixy

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