Definder - what does the word mean?

What is menG?

the act which involves one person going down on a recently deceased corpse, while the second person jumps on its stomach and therefore sprays all the internal stuff into the other person's mouth

Wana go menging tonight? Sure, which gravesite.

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menG - meme gif

menG meme gif

menG - video


MenG - what is it?

(adj.) Any kid in his early teens that is the coolest kid ever. he is not a sovi or a fraiger and never wants to hang out with them ever. everyone knows hes the coolest kid ever.

Person 1: yo Jake is the coolest person ever
Person 2: yeh hes such a menges
Person 1: yo i think stephen wants to hang out with him.
Person 2: Jake wont, he doesn't ever want to hang out with fraigers like stephen.

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What does "menG" mean?

like man

thats gay meng
meng, thats messy

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MenG - what does it mean?

a dirty and or sloppy pussy (vagina).

I cant belive you ate that shit. its a menge!!!

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MenG - meaning

To rip off someone or something.

To confuse someone in a situation evolving anything.

For example:
Let go menging tonight. Or
Damn you should start menging that dude. Or
I was menging all night in that poker game.

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MenG - definition

Meng is a common cute asian name. It could be used for both girls and boys.

Meng is the best name ever.

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MenG - slang

an hispanic man

Meng, you ate my taco!

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Crazy tough Samoan who would kill anyone in a fight.

"Holy shit, Meng just bit off that guys nose"
"It took 12 cops to just to attempt to subdue Meng"
"Oh my GOD, it's Meng!!!" (commits suicide to avoid Meng"

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another way to say the word "man"

Yo meng!
Sup meng diddy meng meng!

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also spelled mang, latino for man.

yo meng, let's eat some tacos; it's crunch time!

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