Definder - what does the word mean?

What is meat toilet?

when you stop at a weigh side drunk and hungry you stumble into a pissy stall and find a tasty morsel on the toilet seat that satisfies your hunger

Yo Howard! Yesterday after those jello shots I went to the park shitter and passed out, I came to so hungry that I went to the bathroom to eat the meat off the toilet seat!

👍37 👎73

meat toilet - video


Meat toilet - what is it?

When you beat your meat on the toilet seat. Exactly what it says

Beat my meat on the toilet seat, Doo da Doo da. Hands got tired so I used my feet, Doo da Doo da. I skeet skeet on the toilet seat, all the Doo da day

👍47 👎27

What does "meat toilet" mean?

An ample loaf that is left in the toilet. (Which deserves two flushes)

"Man, Whoever left the toilet meat in there needs to go back and flush!"

👍55 👎27

Meat toilet - what does it mean?

Women that have an ample back side. The connotation is neither positive or negative.

"Man, did you see that tattoo on her meat-toilet?

👍41 👎103

Meat toilet - meaning

the best band in the world.
greatest hits include (but are not limited to):
wart history
heart, prepare to be stolen

"meat toilet is the best thing since the snuggie!"

👍47 👎79

Meat toilet - definition

A term from hardcore and fetish hentai for a person who's body is used for sex and not cared for in any other way. The idea is that bodily fluids are dumped into her in a way akin to a toilet.

The orcs referred to the elf princess as a "meat toilet" as they took turns using her body.

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