Definder - what does the word mean?

What is maleena?

The type of person that gets no bitches and has no hoes and is a downgrade from her sister

Maleena is a walking L today.

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maleena - video


Maleena - what is it?

Maleena is a human. She does human-like things, like text people "I'm bored" at 3 AM. She is a master complainer, and she complains. She thinks frogs are weird and only listens to mainstream pop. She does not like puns. No one knows what she does. They are sure it is human-like and normal, though. There's not much else to say.

"Do you know Maleena?" "No." "Oh, okay. You aren't missing out on much."

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What does "maleena" mean?

Skilled at not only arts, but gaming and online communications. Not so social, but friendly.

Holy shit, that maleena got me on SSBB again! I'll beat her next time!

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Maleena - what does it mean?

Maleena is the best friend you can have. she understands you and knows exactly how to make you feel better. most of the time, Maleena’s been through a lot of shit. she’s sensitive and very insecure but she tries not to show it. all the guys want her. she slays everyone’s lives. all the girls are jealous.

guy #1: Maleena looks so hot today. guy #2: When does she not ?!

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Maleena - meaning

Maleena is the most unique person you will ever meet. She has a large range of personalities depending on her mood and who she is speaking with. The most down to earth person you will ever meet as she shares similar interest to others. She is very beautiful, caring, outgoing, talkative to close ones, and all around the baddest bitch. She has that slick personal that many girls would kill for. She is very humorous and would definitely make ur day.

Maleena is the coolest and baddest bitch at school

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Maleena - definition

Maleena is a very unique women. She has a wide set of personalities that come out depending on the mood and people who she is speaking with. She is very beautiful, outgoing but chill, talkative, and overall bright person. Will always put a smile on your face due to her ver humorous self. If you having a bad day she will turn ur day from rainy to bright af. Overall a very down to Earth person that would be the coolest and baddest bitch of a friend you would know

Maleena is the baddest bitch at our school

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Maleena - slang

the younger sister who always looks up to the older one. thinks of her older sister as God and will do anything for her.

she's such a maleena to her!

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