Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mado?

The act of making your dad one mady boi

"Shit my dado is mado hes a dado mado"

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mado - meme gif

mado meme gif

mado - video


Mado - what is it?

An abbreviation of the phrase "What am I going to do?" or "The next thing I'm about to do is...".

The phrase is most predominately heard in the southern part of the US, primarily Alabama.

Whatuh-mado is watch some more TV and then I'll go grocery shopping.

Whatuh-mado with all this time on my hands?

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What does "mado" mean?

African origin word used to make fun of someone it means "hey look at this!!!" but in a way to make fun of someone.

person 2 =EH YA MADO!!!!

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Mado - what does it mean?

a dumb wench who fails at anything she attempts. she has massive wheels that she never uses. This summer she plans on wheeling brock arbo really hard. brotha's gettin laiiiiiid!

damn, that mado leblanc girl is real dumb

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Mado - meaning

A bush person from the area of Orange, who loves to slay dirties whilst getting on the DARTS. He has a crippling addiction to darts and was even seen with a tobacco-flavoured mouthguard on the footy field. Despite his disgusting looks, he is known for some crazy fiz(LM) whilst his not inhaling darts.

Get off the DARTS mado.
Mado "Anyone got some DARTS"
Don't be a Mado

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Mado - definition

A Mado is a DART-loving individual also known as a dart goblin, dart muncher, and king of darts. When a Mado isn't face in DARTS they are often spotted dropping intense fizz on innocent civilians. A mado is also normally spotted playing rugby with a DART-flavoured mouthguard.

Get of the Darts, dont be a Mado

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Mado - slang

A more laddish way of saying that it was mad or sick

1. That was mados!
2. That car is madoss!
3. That chick is mados!

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Being able to blind people at first glance by all the swag that that person exudes. Has awesome bushy black hair, and can wear shades and make them instantly look swaggalicous. Basically, all that is SWAG.

Yo! You see that chick there? She's totally got some Mado type of shit going on. Look at all that swag!

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usually meaning the best at something, mostly in the game of counter-strike

damn, that mado kid is sick.

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Japanese for window. Also a cat that hangs around or constantly peers out windows but never goes outside.

Hey mado you gonna sit there all day, go outside and get some....fool.

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