Definder - what does the word mean?

What is lorrain?

I fantastic sister and friend, who everyone adores and men fancy the pants off her because she is so beautiful. She can be sensitive and not want to move out because she will miss her family even though she wants to get married! To summerise she is fantastic, sexy and full of class.

1. This is my brother and this is my Lorraine.
2. Wow that girl looks so Lorraine.

👍735 👎327

lorrain - meme gif

lorrain meme gif

lorrain - video


Lorrain - what is it?

an area of NE France, comprising the modern regions of Alsace and Lorraine: under German rule 1871--1919 and 1940--44. Area: 14522 sq. km (5607 sq. miles)

Alsace lorraine

👍743 👎309

What does "lorrain" mean?

Lorraine is a Big bad bitch. She won't put up with anyone or anything. She's a great mother to her kids and a Awesome fighter. Don't fuck with a Lorraine.

"Fuck. Lorraine Fuck her up"

"Why can't I be like a Lorraine?"

👍143 👎49

Lorrain - what does it mean?

The most amazing girl you'll ever meet. She has a great taste in music and literature. Generally, an awesome girl & super cute. Her ability at math is varied. She's hilarious, tells the flat out truth, and super nice. Loves to give the best hugs. Likes to win & never loses. Coffee is one of her faves. Super fast like an ninja. Super classy girl. Super athletic with a body to die for. Easily fascinated by the world. But no matter how sweet she seems, she'll secretly hold grudges & backstab you every chance she gets. Once you're not liked by her, you never will be. First impressions with her are super important, mess it up & you get no second chances.

Lorraine: "Hey!!~ Gimme a hug?~ <3"

👍529 👎167

Lorrain - meaning

This girl is amazing. She has great taste in literature and music, she's super-cute, and is generally awesome. Can't do math very well...

That girl's so fly, I bet her name's Lorraine.

Time to go tutor my Lorraine in geometry...

👍2773 👎933

Lorrain - definition

The best girl you can ever date. Loves coffee, music, very smart, athletic. Will love you forever, and loyal

Lorraine is very sweet !

👍135 👎29

Lorrain - slang

The most magnificent girl you could ever meet. Words cannot describe her stunning beauty. She's hilarious and tells you like it is. Probably gives amazing hugs. Has great taste in music and movies. Loves coffee. She likes to win and never loses and she's always right too. A total ninja. And the best person in the world, hands down.

Guy #1: What do you call a girl that's so amazing it just blows your mind?!

Guy #2: I believe people call that a Lorraine.

👍2123 👎421


She is an amazing and gorgeous girl. She is full of energy and kindness. She stands up for her friends and is not afraid to fight back. Sometimes she can overreact and swear alot but everyone loves her, even if she makes some mistakes.

Lorraine you were there when I needed you the most. Thankyou xx

👍1671 👎143


A beautiful person inside and out. Caring, charming and extremely funny, if you are having a bad day she can lift you up immediately. Honest and trustworthy, she is a great friend who is loved by many. She gives all the right advice without judgement, and always has a smile on her face! She is genuine, and gives everybody second chances. She readily forgives and always offers a good shoulder to cry on. She knows herself well, and embraces her character instead of trying to be somebody she's not. Keep her as close as you can, because when you're far away, you will miss her more than you may imagine!

amazing honest genuine truthful lorrain

👍25 👎11


She's hot. She's the kinda of person everyone wants to be with and always think of when they want to have a fun time. A lot of people know her. She can be a bitch at times but is fun to party with. She is a very loyal friend and will be there to help someone, but she will always start the rumors.

Damn look at that girl over there, that must be lorrain.

👍33 👎17