Definder - what does the word mean?

What is loopholing?

1. (Adjective) Consistently returning to the same destructive behaviour as before with no reason dor doing so.

2. (Verb) For a male, ejaculating inside a woman without using a condom but not getting her pregnant therefore finding a loophole in the biological cycle. Hence loopholing.

Caity: 'I'm really worried about Chris, he's loopholing again and I don't know what do!'

Joe: 'Just tell him to use a condom!'

Caity: 'It's not that.....He's shitting in the sink again!'

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loopholing - meme gif

loopholing meme gif

loopholing - video


Loopholing - what is it?

A derogatory term coined by statist control freaks to demonise a Freedom they have not yet destroyed, but plan to.

The Canadian government intends to close small business tax loopholes that currently allow entrepreneurs to reinvest in their businesses at a low rate of taxation.

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What does "loopholing" mean?

slang for "anus" commonly used by Utah residents

"I'm a Mormon and need to maintain my purity until marriage, but you can stick it in my loophole if you want."

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Loopholing - what does it mean?

Something forgotten, and can be taken advantage of. Or be a disadvantage.

person 1: I found a loophole in spider solitary.
person 2: how?
person 1:I played all but 6 cards and i need 7 to use another deck.
person 2:what are you going to do?
person 1:I dunno..

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Loopholing - meaning

bypassing the bullshit

"No we don't have to wait in line....we know the guy at the gate! Loophole!!!"

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Loopholing - definition

A forgotten condition in a law, agreement, etc. that allows one to interpret and, in conclusion, get around another condition(s).

Dave: Man, I fucken HATE that bitch.

Joe: Calm down, you know we're not allowed to hit girls.

Dave: Who said anything about "hitting". There's no rule against brutally beating with a medival flail. *evil glint* Loopholes rule!

Joe: You sick fuck.

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Loopholing - slang

Fucking your christian girlfriend in the ass because she wants to stay a vaginal virgin until marriage.

"Lacy and I fucked for hours but I had to use the loophole"

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A way around an obstruction that would otherwise keep a person from obtaining a goal. This can apply literally and metaphorically and most often applied when bending the rules.

Person 1: I am not allowed to visit my friend in college because I am not accompanied by an adult.
Person 2: I found a loophole that allows you to go on campus if you see a student advisor.

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A Loopholer is someone who exploits a weakness or exception that allows them to circumvent or otherwise avoid the rules, policy, directions, or commandments. A Loopholer will search for and use loopholes strategically in a variety of circumstances, including taxes, politics, courtrooms and relationships.

A Loopholer would say....."They are only pictures of my genitalia, it could be anyones junk because my face isn't in them."

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The act of drastically exploiting a not-explicitly-forbidden part of a generally well-worded contract; grossly violating the spirit of the law but not the letter. Also, the act of having anal sex and still calling yourself a virgin.

Dick Cheney did some serious loopholing with that whole "it's ok to torture enemy combattants because they're neither soldiers nor civillians" thing.

"I know i'm trying to be celibate, but no one said anything about handjobs...i guess i did a lot of loopholing this weekend."

"I hear Catholic girls do some major loopholing."

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