Definder - what does the word mean?

What is llj?

long live joe, joe momma was a famous rapper tragically shot in his Audi i8 and passed on 2018 June 18 outside a motorcycle shop

LLJ long live da brotha joe momma

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llj - meme gif

llj meme gif

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Llj - what is it?

LLJ means long lives jashed (xxtentaction)


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What does "llj" mean?

Long live Jahseh and Long live Juice, honoring the rappers xxxtentacion and Juice Wrld who passed away at young ages


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Llj - what does it mean?




Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy (Jah is what his close friends would call him & it is also refers to god)

He was more like a Messiah, a true philanthropist and he did not consider himself a rapper he said, he was an artist more than that...

Assassinated: 18 June 2018 - This is significant he was not killed not murdered, he did not simply die he was

officially assassinated because he was highly influential.

X was wise deep & meaningful, the most talented youngest g.o.a.t.

The best & greatest person that I have ever known. I never thought unconditional love was possible #LLJ

we miss you, rest in paradise<3

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Llj - meaning

llj stands for long live jahseh. Jahseh known as XXXTENTACION or Young dagger Dick. He was killed in a armed robbery and many fans mourned his death.

Person 1:yo man have you heard about XXXTENTCIONS death?

Person 2: yeah man that sucks LLJ.

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Llj - definition

Long live Janseh (XXXTentacion). Florida rapper who was shot and killed on June 18th, 2018.

β€œHis Music was amazing, LLJ”

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Llj - slang

LLJ, stands for β€œLong Live Jah”, (XXXTentacion). A 20 year old rapper, who was trying to turn his life around after many bad mistakes.

Damn, I can’t believe it’s been a year without X. #LLJπŸ•Š

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Long. Live. Jahseh. (xxxtentacion), Florida rapper who was tragically shot and killed at the age of 20.

His music was amazing and he was so talented, LLJ. <3

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LLJ is the abbreviation for "Long Live Jahseh" which is paying your respect for the late rapper XXXTENTACION; Jahseh, that was shot dead at 20 on June 18, 2018. LLJ is usually followed by the dove emoji(πŸ•Š)

I miss X! #LLJπŸ•Š

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Live Like Jesus - Being kind and loving others no matter what. Loving everyone as family even if they hurt you. Live and Love as Jesus did.

Why are you so kind to him man? He tramples all over you.
I empathize with him. I can see he has his own problems and all I can do is try to Live Like Jesus (llj)

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