Definder - what does the word mean?

What is leines?

I want to Sale the vehicle but has a lein

I want to sale my truck but it has a lein

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leines - meme gif

leines meme gif

leines - video


Leines - what is it?

Used to define a sexy, intelligent and athletic male.

He looks so lein.

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What does "leines" mean?

A wonderful, sarcastic aunt that loves you and smells nice always.Always has witty and funny remarks

Lein just farted and said "Jet power activatd"

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Leines - what does it mean?

Really sick and tubular and rad dude

What a fucking Henry Leins

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Leines - meaning

Sacha-Leine is really FRIENDLY. You better choose her as a friend. She would make you laugh and sometimes not even on purpose.

She always wants to be right, be careful ! Whenever your starting a conversation with her, take a pillow because you might sleep on the floor ! If you’re as passionate as her in debates, you guys would probably not sleep at all, but talk about the issue the whole night !

She is cool, loving and take care of of your feelings.

By the way, be careful, Sacha-Leine has feelings ! Don’t treat her like a clown !

Sacha-Leine (Name)

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Leines - definition

When twenty dudes at a bachelor party ejaculate into a turkey baster and then the stripper empties the turkey baster full of semen deep inside of her vagina. After a marination period she pushes down on her stomach to create the necessary force to spray the semen of all the best men on the lucky groom's face.

Damn! That was crazy last night, Phil couldn't see out of his right eye for 2 hours after receiving that leins.

Pimp: "Hey ladies did anybody do anything crazy last night?"

Lady of the Night: "You wouldn't believe it these guys actually paid me to perform a leins on the groom."

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Leines - slang

1. cocaine lines that also contain ecstasy.. usually excessively longer then normal lines..and in different colors. Originated Near Toronto Ontario.
2. Leines is also a user name on numerous hip-hop related internet sites.

man we mixed it up on the mirror wit leines.

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