Definder - what does the word mean?

What is klomp?

(v) to klomp; getting v faded from Klonopin (clonazepam)

i get klomped at work to ease the pain XD

šŸ‘25 šŸ‘Ž11

klomp - meme gif

klomp meme gif

klomp - video


Klomp - what is it?

To hit someone or something with your penis.

Iā€™m going to klomp you so hard tonight.

šŸ‘25 šŸ‘Ž11

What does "klomp" mean?

Defines a situation, sometimes a person, which/who is so bad and so out of line that it/she/he is much less than unsatisfactory

a. Situation. The Afghan War is a total KLOMP because we cannot win it and like in Vietnam we will lose thousands of good people whom we could have had at home to revive our country.

b. Person. Governor Palin is a KLOMP for not filling out her term of office and manipulating the people's election effort.

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Klomp - what does it mean?

When you use your brute strength to hold your partner down and force them into submission and do butt stuff

There alot of klomping at Anthony's house

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Klomp - meaning

a frumpy but not a complete hot-mess-of-a-person, used pejoratively and/or lovingly; someone who, in appearance, is somewhat attractive but features clown-like clothes, makeup, etc.

Rodrigo showed up to the club with his giant boots and fur coat, looking like a straight up Klomp Kween; I hated it and loved it at the same time.

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Klomp - definition

A device to conceal a cameltoe. Typically plastic, and seamless in the center.

Guy: Have you seen Alices massive klomp?

Girl: Yes! It draws even more attention, and not in a good way. It looks like she is smuggling a banana!

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Klomp - slang

a glomp with a kiss

some anime characters klomp

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Kiss, latch on, maintain pressure.

Zomg, I haven't kissed you for days! *klomp*

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A dutch wooden shoe.

When I went to the Netherlands, I bought these klompen!

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