Definder - what does the word mean?

What is katalina?


sorry for that, that was my secret christmas present for katalina bolivar so don't let her see this.
she'll love you even if youre a can of beans on a mexican dorito getting a sun tan in russia. she has an eye for spotting especially ugly people. Mainly people named "Dylan" but she always has a special place in her heart for "noah jackson" as well. Katalina loves watching others get married <3

"WHOA is that katalina bolivar??!!!? SHES SO HOT"-said nobody ever

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katalina - meme gif

katalina meme gif

katalina - video


Katalina - what is it?

Katalina is a "perfect" girl. She thinks she is a queen or something and gets whatever she wants. Katalina is the worst friend you could ever have: she's rude, mean and humiliates sensitive people, she's the most toxic friend ever.

Sarah : Katalina is my bestie!!
Emily : Watch out! She will play with your heart.
Sarah: Whatever!
--two weeks later--
Sarah: Katalina is so rude, i shouldn't have trusted her!
Emily: I told you that from the start.

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What does "katalina" mean?

She is a really mean person and steals everything . She is a worthless body of mass

Katalina stop being a bicth

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Katalina - what does it mean?

A really organized person .Takes everything slow and careful but shes the best. Katalina will love u that she will be strict in some point but Katalina will take care of you and never let you feel that no one likes u because Katalina is kind to everyone. Also, Katalina is really smart and knows in everything. Katalina is the most clean and neat person that you will ever know. Katalina is probably not the best one in fashion but you will for surely love katalina because katalina is simply perfect. i love u mama

Katalina is perfectly perfect.

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Katalina - meaning

The worlds most BEAUTIFUl girl ever and the most girl that slay and the queen of bensky

Oh that katalina bensky queen πŸ‘‘πŸ’

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Katalina - definition

A really organized person .Takes everything slow and careful but Katalina will always be the best. Katalina will love u that she will be strict in some point but Katalina will take care of you and never let you feel alone. Also, Katalina is really clean and neat in everything. Katalina is probably not the best one in fashion but katalina is simply perfect. i love u mama

Katalina is perfect

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Katalina - slang

Katalina mostly known as Kat (her nickname) is super sweet and quiet. She is only out going with close friends and maybe some others. She’s pretty and super nice. She’s hard to get to....I think. She’s always doing her work in time and she likes to take time to herself. She’s an amazing artist and has some really great skill. She’s gonna get somewhere in life everyone can tell. She’s always nice to her teachers. But when you meet some of her friends they may not seem like her at allllllll.

Omg hey look it it’s Katalina

Omg it’s kat I love herrrrr

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Someone very kind but also cool that everyone can't help loving.

Person 1: I love Katalina so much
Person 2: I know, she's so nice!
Person 3: I only stalk Katalina, but she seems awesome!

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One of the most hyper person on the earth. She will still and eat all the candy you have, so watch out. She thinks the best of everyone, will always have positive thoughts and will always be one of the best friends you will ever have. She is basically a Courtney but with the name of katalina
She does have a temper but you will only see it a few times a year. She will always be happy and loving. She is super innocent, so don't talk about things that are not for good uses ( like banana guns). She is also a super book worm and a major fan girl. I recommend not being around her when she is in that stage.

"Katalina what are you reading."person 1
" You know the HON"katalina
"Cool what is about?"person 1
"Don't go there " person 3

"Okay anyway, I have a candy bar if abyone wants it"person 1
"I'll take it"katalina

"Okay here" person 1
" you just messed up. You'll have to take care of her."

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Katalina is the most amazing beautiful girl you will ever meet, she has something special about her that can make anyone smile no matter what. Katalina is happy fun person to be around and is there if you ever need to tell someone something that gets you down or just need to talk about it. She is sweet smart girl that can be nasty but that what makes her human and who can blame a girl that trust.

Person 1: Josh is so lucky to be dating katalina
Person2: yeah

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