Definder - what does the word mean?

What is most BEAUTIFUl girl?

Saniyah <3

The most beautiful girl: saniyah my beloved

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most BEAUTIFUl girl - video


Most BEAUTIFUl girl - what is it?

my gf doesnt think she's beautiful, so i told her to look it up.

it is a scientific fact that annie h is the most beautiful girl in the world

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What does "most BEAUTIFUl girl" mean?

You. You reading this right now. I wrote this definition just to tell you that.

You're the most beautiful girl ive ever seen.

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Most BEAUTIFUl girl - what does it mean?

It's you duh πŸ™„πŸ’—

Everyone is beautiful in this world πŸ’—πŸ’—

Girl 1: Who is the most beautiful girl in the world?

Girl 2: it's gotta be you.

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Most BEAUTIFUl girl - meaning

Mary is my girlfriend and I love her to the moon and back she is the reason I wake up with a smile on my face without her I’m trash i am In love with her I love you babyπŸ₯°

Hey baby ur my everything πŸ₯°she is the most beautiful girl In the world

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Most BEAUTIFUl girl - definition


The most beautiful girl in the world is Kristen

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Most BEAUTIFUl girl - slang

Ruby Truss

She is perfect and amazing and beautiful and fit and hot and funny and kind and all round the best girlfriend I could ever ask for

Ruby truss is the most beautiful girl in the world

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Most BEAUTIFUl girl

The one that you love and care about, the one that you will never ever betray. The one girl in your kife that you know will always be with you and will never hurt you in any way. She will be the one that you think about every moment of every day, and you will always look forward to being with her. You will never lie to her and will give your very heart and soul to her. If she is the one most beautiful girl in the world, she will take your secrets, your sorrows, your joys, your very heart and soul, and she will keep it safe and cherish it forever. She will always love you and you should always love her back. She should be the one that you will always be there for. Treat her like she is a goddess and never turn away, because if you do, she might vanish forever. Do all of this, because beauty is not just skin deep, it is what you do with her that makes her beautiful. Make this choice wisely, because iif you don't, you might ruin your whole life. Make a good decision like i have. I am inspired to say this because of the most beautiful gerl in the world to me. I love you Ashley!



Guy 1: Dude, who is the most beautiful girl in the world to you?
Guy 2: Man, its gotta be Ashley!

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Most BEAUTIFUl girl

A girl who you think is perfect for you. Like the girl I have a crush on, she is perfect. Love you Jenny!!!

Love, Buddy.

Me: I LOVE Jenny!!! She is the most beautiful girl in the world!!!

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Most BEAUTIFUl girl

A good looking girl that takes men's breath away

Gillian, the most beautiful girl ever, was at the park today.

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