Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jumanji?

When a man has so much pubic hair in his lower region that it could closely resemble a rain forest. The massive amounts of hair allow multiple species of diseases and certain crustaceans to thrive

Man 1- That dudes pubes are sticking out of his pants...

Man 2- I know, what a Jumanji.

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jumanji - meme gif

jumanji meme gif

jumanji - video


Jumanji - what is it?

A undebatable win.
You win the game.
Final answer/say in the matter.

(say there's a pair of black socks)
"Dude can you hand me those black socks?"

You mean these white socks?

"No, i mean those black socks."

They're white socks, jumanji.

"Fine, can you pleease hand me those supposedly 'whiiite' socks?"

*you have now made an obviously black pair of socks, white.*

👍67 👎41

What does "jumanji" mean?

The expression of euphoria when accomplishing a great feat.

Scenario: You opponent just made all the cups in beer pong, your only hope is to make all the remaining shots on your rebuttal.

Scene: You make them all, so you yell out, JumanJi!

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Jumanji - what does it mean?

A beer drinking lifestyle, not a game. When you join Jumanji, you join a group of party-goers who will only drink beer from their non-dominant hand. If a group member sees someone (that can possibly be in Jumanji) drink with their dominant hand, they should yell "Jumanji." When called out that person has to finish that entire beverage on the spot.

Some side rules:
Like I said before it's a lifestyle not a game, you cannot turn it on and off.
There are no "put it on my tab", or "I'll do it laters."
When the can/bottle touches their lips it's fair game.
If you are not in the club you cannot call Jumanji on other people.
If you decide to leave the club for whatever reason you will be branded a huge pussy.

Possible local rule:
Jumanji rebound- If the person you call out for example is left handed and you think he is right handed and he is drinking with his non-dominant hand, he can call you out and tell you to finish your beer.

If you do not follow the rules of Jumanji, you should have never joined the group in the first place.

Wow, Jim is so wasted, "look he's about to drink with his right hand. JUMANJI Jim!" Jim laughs and finishes his beer.

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Jumanji - meaning

What to say when a herd of rhinos come chasing towards you.

"I know what to do ... JUMANJI!"
*rhinos still chase you*

👍41 👎51

Jumanji - definition

Jumanji is a sick game played by people with a lot of time on their hands. The aim of the game is to deposit a fecal suprise in the opposing players bed and then when they lay in it one must call out "Jumanji" - this can also lead to a game of shit slinger but thats another story.

As the the victim slid into his bed, totally oblivious to the attackers watching his every move. Everyone jumped out and yelled "Jumanji".

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Jumanji - slang

Used to describe something freakishly large or overgrown or to describe an extreme case of something.

My friend is suffering with a case of jumanji crabs. (particularly ferrocious case of pubic lice)

That cat's jumanji. (Unusually large cat)

Her breasts are jumanji.

I couldn't eat all that meal, it was jumanji. (best used after an all you can eat etc)

He's got jumanji feet. (ridiculously big feet)

Have you seen the size of that? it's jumanjified (Much bigger than usual)

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when several males attempt an albino rhino on one unsuspecting female. The one who succeeds gets to be called Robin Williams until the next jumanji attempt.

"Man, my dick is so sore from last night's jumanji."
"Yeah, you got it rough. It was all good for me though"
"Shut up Robin Williams"

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Having the condition of unkempt or extremely overgrown pubic hair.
As when used in the phrase "Jumanji Jungle Bush"

Also, a shit movie staring Robin Williams.

I was going to go down on her, but she had such Jumanji, that I was afraid I would find crabs with spears and tom-tom drums!!

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Derived from the popular childrens movie/board game, jumanji refers to an inescapable, often psychotic female presence set out to trap you for life into her deep, scary, psycho-jungle, as seen in one of the opening scenes of the movie.

Bro, that bitch is a Jumanji, roll me a 5 or an 8! ASAP!

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