Definder - what does the word mean?

What is johoe?

A term used to refer to a bunch of ufhoes from the forth dimensions photosynthesising their Honda hat leader genderman Jones

Omg Susan don't be such a johoe
Girl1 : mom one-day I wanna be a johoe just like you

Dr phill : no bitch you won't

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johoe - meme gif

johoe meme gif

johoe - video


Johoe - what is it?

1. A girl who dates a Jonas brother.
2. A 10-14 year old that is obsessed with the Jonas Brothers and talks about marrying them.
3. Another name for the JoBros.

1. Miley Cyrus dated Nick, therefore she is an (ex) JoHoe.
2. My cousin is obsessed with the Jonas brothers, what a fucking JoHoe.
3. I hate the JoHoes.

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What does "johoe" mean?

Johansen High School, A public high school in Modesto, California.Populated by kids from many different ethnic backrounds and social classes.It is the newest school in the Modesto City School district opened in 1993.

Person A:"Hey dude what high school do you go to?"
Person B:"Joho!"

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Johoe - what does it mean?

When you're name is Johannes, but you're dope, live in Brooklyn, run marathons and have a lot of sex appeal, so you're coworkers start calling you Joho. Since you're cool af, you are required to hate that nickname.

Person A: "Hey, Joho, go make me a sammich."
Joho: "What the fuck dude, that's not a thing. Stop checking out my ass."

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Johoe - meaning

Nickname for a Jehovah's witness

Shane Park is a joho

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Johoe - definition

1) A slang term for those of Jehovah's Witness religon.
2) A slang term for a retarded, or unhumorous person.
3) Saturday Morning Alarm Clock
4) A term for seven year olds playing "Ding Dong Ditch"

I Hate Joho's
Those fucking JoHo's are at my door
You joho!

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Johoe - slang

A girl of any shape size or variety obsessed with the jonas brothers, usually seen wearing t-shirts, binders coverd in youngest (jail bait) Jobro and annoying Tokio Hotel fans.

They stalk them have rooms covered in them and obsess over songs singing about girls named Mandy in Australia with diabetes in year 3000 who are burning up.

Common JoHoe convo.


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The REAL name for the jonas brothers. Fun to say.It will also piss any fans of the johoes. So that makes it even more fun to say.

Jonas(s) fan: OMJ i LuV tHe JoNaS bRoThErS!!!!1!! tHeY r HaWt!!!!1!!!1!1!1!1!1!1!!
me: The johoes? Go listen to some actual music.
Jonas(s) fan: Ur JuZ jEaLuZ cUz ThEy CaN gEt GiRlS!!!!
me:You FAILED right there lulz.

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The Fandom Name For The Best Youtuber JoJoSpotlight. (join the fandom)

Emily:Are You Apart Of The Johoes?

Lucas:Yes, I love JoJoSpotlight's videos so much!

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the term joehoe is sometimes used to describe the relegious person a Jehovah's Witnesses.

"hey look at that man/lady of there. she must be a fucking johoe!"

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